
Showing posts from January, 2018
Daily Devotionals- February Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye February 1, 2018. HE IS THE DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS. (THE BOOK OF HAGGAI) Scripture Reading: Haggai 2:6-7 Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 45:1-17, Isaiah 53:1-5, Proverbs 1. JESUS CHRIST IS THE DESIRE OF ALL NATIONS. The scripture in Haggai was highly prophetic. As the Prophet challenged the people to rebuild the Temple that was in ruins he began to prophecy to them that a time was coming when God will shake all nations, the dry land and the sea and the Desire of Nations shall come!! Prophet Haggai was prophesying about Jesus. Indeed He is the Desire of all nations, tribes and tongues. In our day, it is still partial fulfillment but as He burst forth through the eastern sky, all nations, tribes and tongue will acknowledge our Lord as the King of Kings and the Lord of lords. The Bible says that every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord of all. The Second Temple or the Latter House is the ...
SPECIAL INVITATION: Midweek services are not to be missed this year, you need a Word to run with in 2018. Join us for another in-depth teaching of the Word of God today at Temple of Glory Abuja. Service starts at 6pm. Invite family and friends!
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 31, 2018. HE IS OUR LORD MIGHTY TO SAVE. (THE BOOK OF ZEPHANIAH) Scripture Reading: Zephaniah 3:14-17 Additional Bible Reading: Psalm 89:6-13, Psalms 145:3-4, Proverbs 31. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LORD MIGHTY TO SAVE. The LORD, the mighty One is in your midst and He will save. These are some of the comforting words not only in the Book of Zephaniah but in the whole Bible. Jesus our Savior is revealed in the book of Zephaniah as the One mighty to save. Sometimes, the salvation we need is a mighty salvation. Sometimes, we are in places and positions when no man can help us. At the peak of a terrible famine in Israel, people were beginning to eat their children and eat donkey dung, a man approached the King of Israel for help. The King answered that if God could not help him, nobody could. The king needed help himself. Our God is mighty to save in every situation, in all circumstances and at all times. Always remember t...
The more you pray in this season, the more sensitive you will become to the things of the spirit and also future things concerning your life and that of your loved ones, people around you and even our nation. Nothing shall take you by surprise anymore. -Pastor Ike J. Monye
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 29, 2018. HE IS OUR AVENGER. (THE BOOK OF NAHUM) Scripture Reading: Nahum 1:2 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 35:4, Deuteronomy 32:35, Isaiah 59:18, Proverbs 29. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR AVENGER. The prophet Nahum describes the Lord thus:  "The Lord avenges and is furious. The Lord will take vengeance on His adversaries " Beloved, the God you serve is a God of justice. He judges every evil. He judges every injustice. It is so important that we understand this nature of God. If you believe that you have been unjustly treated, take it before God. If you believe that you have not been properly compensated in anything, take it before God. The Bible says that vengeance belongs to the Lord and recompense. In my short years of walking with the Lord, I have seen this aspect of God revealed over and over. Have you been betrayed and hurt deeply by people? Have you been treated callously by people who feel they are to...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 28, 2018. HE IS THE SPIRIT OF THE BREAKTHROUGH (THE BOOK OF MICAH) Scripture Reading: Micah 2:12-13 Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 24:7-10, 2 Samuel 5:19-20, Proverbs 28. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SPIRIT OF THE BREAKTHROUGH. A lot of times in this our earth walk we are going to run into things that are bigger and stronger than us. At those times we are going to need bigger and stronger help. Jesus Christ is the Spirit of the breaker or the Spirit of the breakthrough. The scripture in Micah tells us that He will go ahead of us to break down the barriers for us.  This excites me. In  Psalms 24:7-10 the Bible records that the gate and eternal doors were commanded to be opened and the ancient gatekeepers asked who wanted to come in. Jesus Christ introduced Himself: The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle. This is who Jesus is.  Most people look at the different artist's impression and image of ...
Never judge or strongly criticise what you don't fully understand. A day may come when you may have to eat your words or repent for wrong judgement.... Listen more. Talk less. Keep learning... Good morning! -Pastor Ike J. Monye
SPECIAL INVITATION TO JANUARY THANKSGIVING SERVICE! "Let everything that has breath praise the LORD..." Psalm 150:6 Time to celebrate - all JANUARY CELEBRANTS; birthdays, anniversaries  etc. Join TOG Abuja in a Super Celebration Service this Sunday. Be blessed by the life changing word and the warm fellowship! Invite family and friends! Time: 9.00am . Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Asokoro.
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 27, 2018. HE IS THE GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE. (THE BOOK OF JONAH) Scripture Reading: Jonah 2:1-10 Additional Bible Reading: Jonah: 1-17. Romans 11:28-29, Proverbs 27. JESUS CHRIST IS THE GOD OF A SECOND CHANCE. Indeed, just the fact that Jesus came to earth gave all of us second chances. If He didn't come, all of us would have been doomed to eternal damnation.  The song writer wrote: Where would I be if Jesus didn't love me? What would I say, if He didn't care? But I am glad that He did" The people of Nineveh all got a second chance because of the love of God. Even though the Assyrians were recorded by history to be very wicked and cruel, God still loved them enough to send His prime prophet to give them the chance of repentance and salvation. Jonah like many of us today who do not believe that some people deserve God's mercy and forgiveness, felt that the Assyrians should all go to hell. Belov...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 26, 2018. HE IS OUR DELIVERER. (THE BOOK OF OBADIAH) Scripture Reading: Obadiah 17. Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 49:25-26(KJV), John 8:36(NKJV), Romans 11:26-27, Proverbs 26. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR DELIVERER. The word of God tells us today that there will always be deliverance in Mount Zion. Today, the church or the assembly of God's people is Mount Zion. Whenever the church gathers Jesus comes into our midst to deliver and to set free. He came to set the captives free. Indeed in Ephesians, the Bible records that He took captivity captive. Hallelujah!! Beloved, at some point in your life you may be in some captivity or bondage. You may be held down by invisible chains. As you look into your life, it is obvious to you that you should have made far more significant progress than you have made. For some, it appears as if there are invisible barriers and limits all around you. The truth is that we have an enemy...
SPECIAL INVITATION: There is the "voice of thanksgiving", rejoicing and praise in TOG Abuja this Sunday with Bimbo Psalmz. Join us this Sunday at 9.00am. Lift up your voice in high- praise!!! It is THANKSGIVING FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY. Venue: Livingbrooks Park,  Asokoro. Invite family and friends.
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 22, 2018. HE IS THE FOURTH MAN IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE. (THE BOOK OF DANIEL) Scripture Reading: Daniel 3:19-25 Additional Bible Reading: John 16:33, Isaiah 43:1-4, Proverbs 22. JESUS CHRIST IS THE FOURTH MAN IN THE TIME OF TROUBLE. The word of God tells us that in this world there will be tribulation. That's the Bible word for trouble and pressure. Tribulation is what happens to an orange when you seriously squeeze it to extract the juice. Many of us are very familiar with tribulation, trouble and pressure. Some of you may be going through some now as you read this devotional. Indeed a preacher said a long time ago that at some point you are going through some trouble, you may have gone through one, you may be through one now and you will likely go through one in the future. For as long as we are in the world, there will be trouble - these are the words of Jesus.  He however gives us a very great assurance in...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 21, 2018. HE IS THE SON OF MAN. (THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL) Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 1:1-16 Additional Bible Reading: Matthew 16:13-20, Matthew 9:1-8, John 1:10-13, Proverbs 21. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF MAN. Like in the Book of Isaiah we see a number of shadows and types of Christ in the Book of Ezekiel. He is our wonderful "Four-faced Man', He is also the 'Wheel within a Wheel" and many other shadows and types of the Pre-existent Christ. The title "Son of Man" occurs over ninety times in the Book of Ezekiel. While the title is applied to Ezekiel himself, it was appropriated by our Lord Jesus as His favourite self-designation. Therefore Ezekiel will be regarded as a type of Christ. The title Son of Man speaks clearly of the humanity of Jesus. He was called "the son of Joseph'. Indeed this became quite an issue later when He declared His Divinity and Deity, the people could not ...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 20, 2018. HE IS THE LORD OF COMPASSION (THE BOOK OF LAMENTATIONS) Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:22-23 Additional Bible Reading: John 11:45, John 19:41-44, Mark 10:46-52, Proverbs 20. JESUS CHRIST IS THE LORD OF COMPASSION. I am so glad and excited that my Lord Jesus is compassionate and merciful. We saw this in His earth walk. The Bible records severally how His heart was full of compassion for the people. He is a powerful and effective High Priest before the Father on our behalf because He can identify with our weaknesses and infirmities. Hallelujah! In demonstration of His humanity and compassion, He wept at the grave of His friend, Lazarus. He wept over Jerusalem because though He was in their midst, they refused to recognize what made for their peace. Our Lord Jesus in His earth walk and even now before the Father is an embodiment of mercy. He is the Father of mercies. His vicarious suffering and death ...
PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS FOR 2018... I bless you LORD for bringing me and my family into 2018. I declare it as a new season and a new dawn for me and my family. I stand to command the year 2018 and and I declare it as the dawning of a new season. I take authority in the name of Jesus over the months, weeks and days of 2018. I declare that every element of this new year shall fully cooperate with God's plans and purposes for my life and destiny. I declare that it is the year that God has made, therefore I shall rejoice in it. Covenant will speak for me and my loved ones this new year. I dedicate the 365 days of this new year into God's hands, I dedicate the 12 months of 2018 into God's hands, I dedicate the fifty-two weeks of 2018 into God's hands. I declare and decree today the dawning of a new day, I declare that my old seasons of failure, disappointments and frustrations are over. I declare that new things from God are here in Jesus name! New blessings are he...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 18, 2018. HE SHALL BE CALLED IMMANUEL. (THE BOOK OF ISAIAH) Scripture Reading: Isaiah 7:14 Additional Bible Reading:  Isaiah 9:2-7, Isaiah 53:1-12, Proverbs 18. JESUS CHRIST IS IMMANUEL. After His resurrection Jesus walked with two of His disciples and "expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself" (Luke 24:27). To do so He must have drawn heavily from the Book of Isaiah because seventeen chapters of Isaiah contain prophetic references to Christ.  He is spoken of as the "LORD", "Branch of the LORD", "Wonderful, Counsellor", "Mighty God", "Rod of Jesse", "Prince of Peace", "Cornerstone ", "Elect One", King", "Lamb of God", "Redeemer" and so on. The Pre-existent Christ is represented in so many ways and in so many verses in Isaiah that it is quite difficult to stay with one nam...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 17, 2018. HE IS OUR LOVER AND BRIDEGROOM (THE BOOK OF SONG OF SOLOMON) Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 2:1-5 Additional Bible Reading: John 3:16, Matthew 25:1-13, Ephesians 3:17-19, Proverbs 17. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR LOVER AND BRIDEGROOM. Beloved, the word of God tells us that God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. As popular and as common as this verse is, it is the most powerful verse in the whole Bible. It is the basis of our relationship with God and the foundation of the new covenant. That verse so powerfully expresses the love of God for us. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. What manner of love is this? The righteous died for the unrighteous. God took the place of man.  This is the love of God. Friends, the end of all your struggles and toil will come when you come to an understanding or a revelation of the lov...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 16, 2018. HE IS THE WISDOM OF GOD (THE BOOKS OF PROVERBS AND ECCLESIASTES) Scripture Reading: Proverbs 8:10-34 Additional Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Revelation 5:12, Proverbs 16. JESUS CHRIST IS THE WISDOM OF GOD. Wisdom has been defined as the wise application of knowledge, experience, insight or common sense. Another definition says it is the quality of being prudent and sensible. These definitions of wisdom as good as they sound are really the definition of human wisdom. The wisdom of God far exceeds every human wisdom and every satanic wisdom. The wisdom of God is a spiritual force. The word of God is the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God will put you over every situation. The wisdom of God will deliver you when you run out of human ideas. The wisdom of God will save you when you are at your wits end. Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us not to lean on our understanding, intellect, knowledge or com...
SPECIAL INVITATION: Join TOG Abuja today in DAY 8 of our Prayer and Fasting. We will be speaking on the Supernatural life and praying for the finances of the people. It will be life changing. Come with family and friends! Time: 6.00pm @ Livingbrooks Park, Asokoro Abuja.
SPECIAL INVITATION: Join TOG Abuja today in DAY 8 of our Prayer and Fasting. We will be speaking on the Supernatural life and praying for the finances of the people. It will be life changing. Come with family and friends! Time: 6.00pm @ Livingbrooks Park, Asokoro Abuja.
COVENANT KEYS AND SECRETS TO ANSWERED PRAYERS. Engage in word based Prayers- (Psalms 138:2. Hosea 14:2.) God’s will and His Word are the same. We discover His will in His Word. There are procedures for getting answered prayers. (Isaiah 41:21, Isaiah 43:26.) Our declarations must be according to His word. (1 John 5:14-15.).  It is what we ask that is in line with His word that He will respond to. We must pray in faith in the word and in the name of Jesus- (Mark 11:24.) Faith is a decision . Faith is a catalyst for answers to prayers. Faith is the spiritual converter of spiritual blessings into practical blessings. Galatians 3:14. Every prayer that must be answered must be prayed in the name of Jesus John 14:13-14 Praying in the name of Jesus is not just a way to end our prayers but it is our access to answers. We must pray earnestly- (1 Samuel 1:12-16, James 5:16-18) It is possible to pray with the mouth and not pray with the heart and it is the prayer done from the heart t...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 10, 2018. HE IS THE REIGNING KING. (THE BOOKS OF 1 & 2 KINGS) Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 1:28-40 Additional Bible Reading: Matthew 2:2-3, John 19:19-22. Revelation 19:11-16, Proverbs 10. Jesus Christ is the reigning king. The Book of Revelation 5:9-10 declares that Jesus Christ has redeemed us to our God and He has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. The Book of Daniel tells us that He raises kings and brings down kings. God's plan is that His people should rule the earth on His behalf, this is why He gave us the dominion mandate in Genesis 1:26. Jesus Christ like we can see in the last Book of the Bible came to restore the dominion mandate back to man. The Father's will is that His children will rule and reign in the seven mountains or pillars of the society. He has planned and empowered us to rule and reign in business, government, arts and entertainment, education, media, fa...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 9, 2018. HE IS THE PROPHET WHOSE WORD NEVER FALLS TO THE GROUND. (THE BOOKS OF 1 & 2 SAMUEL) Scripture Reading; 1 Samuel 3:19-21 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:9-11, Numbers 23:19, Proverbs 9. Jesus is the Prophet whose word never falls to the ground. Prophet Samuel was one of the most significant prophets of the Old Testament. The Bible records that from an early age he wore the linen ephod and God began to speak to him from an early age. The Bible further records that his words never fell to the ground. In other words, every word he spoke came to pass. Indeed, the scripture actually says that God did not allow any of his words to fall to the ground. Powerful!! Isaiah 44:26 declares about God "Who confirms the word of His servants and performs the counsel of His messengers"! Samuel was a powerful kingmaker who made Saul and David kings of Israel. Every time he took his horn and oil, the whole...
SPECIAL INVITATION: The much anticipated 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting starts today. Join Pastors Ike & Onyema Monye and other believers this evening @ 6pm for corporate prayers @ Livingbrooks Park, Asokoro Abuja. Invite family and friends!
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 8, 2018. HE IS OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER. (THE BOOK OF RUTH) Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:12-17 Additional Bible Reading: Ruth 2:1, Hosea 13:14, Job 33:23-24, Proverbs 8. JESUS CHRIST IS OUR KINSMAN REDEEMER. The Book of Ruth is one of the most powerful books of the Old Testament. The themes it contains are very powerful. We see tragedy, hopelessness and despair turn to hope, restoration and a new life. Naomi's life was turned dramatically for good because of Boaz, who married Ruth, her daughter-in-law. Indeed the testimony of the people about Naomi is this: "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative...”- Ruth 4:14 Boaz was the kinsman who redeemed Naomi and Ruth and by so doing totally changed their lives and destiny because he was a wealthy man. The marriage to Boaz produced offspring in the lineage of David and ultimately our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus by going to the...
SPECIAL INVITATION: Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard the things that God has prepared for you in 2018. But God has revealed them to you by His Spirit. There is a specific Word for you this Sunday @TOG. Join us as we partake of the Lord's table and proclaim passover the month of January @ our Communion Service this Sunday @ 9am @ Livingbrooks Park, Asokoro- Temple of Glory Abuja. It promises to be a refreshing time in God's presence. Invite family and friends!
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 6, 2018. HE IS THE CAPTAIN OF OUR SALVATION. (THE BOOK OF JOSHUA) Scripture Reading: Joshua 5:13-15 Additional Bible Reading: Joshua 1:1-6, Hebrews 2:10-11, Hebrews 4:1-8, Proverbs 6. JESUS IS THE CAPTAIN OF OUR SALVATION In the days of the Bible, the captain was the head of the army. He was the commander in chief of the army. He led the troops in warfare. He led the army in taking territories and winning back inheritances. Joshua in the Old Testament was the person who led Israel into the Promised Land. He led the different tribes and people into taking territories and divided their portions to them. Beloved, God's plan is not only to deliver and bring you out of captivity. His plan includes bringing you into your rightful inheritance in Him. God brought you OUT to take you IN. He brought you out of poverty to take you into your wealthy place. He brought you out of sickness and infirmity to take you into the...
...FEAR NOT! Today, submit your fears, anxieties, worries, uncertainties and insecurities to Him. He is the most qualified to say to you "FEAR NOT IN 2018" He has your future and destiny securely in His hands! Your 'works' were finished from the foundations of the world.
Join TOG Abuja from Monday January 8th...
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 5, 2018. HE IS THE PROPHET LIKE MOSES (THE BOOK OF DEUTERONOMY) Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy 18:15-18 Additional Bible Reading: Hosea 12:13, John 7:37-41, Revelation 19:10, Proverbs 5. JESUS IS THE PROPHET LIKE MOSES It is just that He is much greater than Moses for He created Moses and all the other prophets and servants of God. How is He like Moses? Moses was the great deliverer that God used to deliver Israel from over four hundred years of Egyptian bondage and servitude. He brought the children of Israel out by word and great power. The Bible records that he was made like a god unto Pharaoh. God Himself tells us that Moses, unlike any other prophet spoke with Him face to face as a friend and not in dark sayings, visions, dreams or in similitude. Moses saw the form of God. (Numbers 12:4-8). Jesus Christ our saviour came to earth to deliver us from the bondage of sin and Satan. He came to set the captives fr...
GOD THE SAME... Irrespective of the word God has for you or your church this year, please REMEMBER that God's character, nature and essence remains the same no matter the year: He will be gracious, kind and merciful no matter the year. He will always answer you in the day of trouble no matter the year. He will always deliver the CAPTIVE, the oppressed and the afflicted every year. He will heal the sick every year. He will always honor those who honor and fear Him. He will always bless those who obey Him no matter the year. He will always be faithful to His word and keep covenant every year. Beloved, no matter the year 2015, 2018 or 2050, PRINCIPLED men in the kingdom will always become PRINCIPAL men in life! Have a great year ahead!!! -Pastor Ike Monye #LivingaLifeOfPurpose .
Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye January 4, 2018. THE PILLAR OF CLOUD AND THE PILLAR OF FIRE (THE BOOK OF NUMBERS) Scripture Reading: Exodus 13:20-22 Additional Bible Reading: Nehemiah 9:19-25, Proverbs 4. JESUS IS THE PILLAR OF CLOUD BY DAY AND PILLAR OF CLOUD BY NIGHT As the children of Israel were delivered from their Egyptian captivity and went through the forty years of their wilderness journey, the Bible records that the pillar of cloud went with them by day and the pillar of fire by night. It was a visible presence for those forty years. Powerful!! Jesus was also the Provider that provided manna for forty years. He was also the Rock that followed them and gave them living water. The word of God records that Jesus was that pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire represented His manifest presence to His people. He had assured Moses in Exodus 33 that His presence will go with them. For thos...
You will make it in 2018 because Jesus Christ is your faithful High Priest. -Pastor Ike Monye
GUARD RAILS... Welcome to 2018! We must build and place 'Guard Rails" on the road to destiny in 2018. As we travel on most of our highways, we will notice guard rails on both sides of the road. They are placed there to protect travelers/motorists from going off the road and crashing and bringing great harm to themselves and their vehicles. On most roads, the guard rails are placed at strategic points on the highway, at sharp turns or where there are ditches, cliffs or sheer drops on the sides of the road. The guard rails are placed their to protect road users. As you travel on the journey of 2018, build and place guard rails on your journey. Place guard rails in every area of your life, in your choices and decisions, in your significant relationships. Guard rails will help you from getting off the road of destiny and crashing in life. Even though guard rails look beautiful on the highway, they are very strong. They are strong enough to stop vehicles from crashing through...