Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 6, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Joshua 5:13-15
Additional Bible Reading: Joshua 1:1-6, Hebrews 2:10-11, Hebrews 4:1-8, Proverbs 6.


In the days of the Bible, the captain was the head of the army. He was the commander in chief of the army. He led the troops in warfare. He led the army in taking territories and winning back inheritances. Joshua in the Old Testament was the person who led Israel into the Promised Land. He led the different tribes and people into taking territories and divided their portions to them.
Beloved, God's plan is not only to deliver and bring you out of captivity. His plan includes bringing you into your rightful inheritance in Him. God brought you OUT to take you IN. He brought you out of poverty to take you into your wealthy place. He brought you out of sickness and infirmity to take you into the place of health. He brought you out from a solitary place and to place you in a family. This is always the will of God. Your destiny is not to leave Egypt only to die in the wilderness after many years of wandering.
The Bible declares Jesus (please read all the Bible references) as the Captain of your salvation. He is the Commander-in-chief of all that concerns you and your salvation. He is in charge of your "Soteria". This is the Greek word for salvation and it includes health, soundness, prosperity, life, healing, deliverance, rescue and so forth.
The same way Joshua was commissioned by God to bring the people of Israel into their inheritance and the Promised Land; so God the Father has commissioned Jesus Christ as the Captain of our salvation, to bring us into the promises of God for our lives. The Bible says that all God's promises in Christ Jesus are "yes" and "amen"!
Beloved, as you submit to the leadership of the Captain of your salvation, He will definitely bring you into your inheritance and into the promises of God for your life.
The same way Joshua in the Old Testament was a militant leader who fought wars to bring Israel into the Promised Land so Jesus the Captain of our salvation and the Captain of the Heavenly hosts has fought and defeated the greatest enemy of your life and soul. He has triumphed on your behalf and on behalf of your loved ones.
As we enter into a new year, we must commit to obeying and following our commanding officer and the captain of our salvation. This is the secret to possessing our possessions and taking rightful territories.
We must also become militant and aggressive this year. The kingdom answers only to violence (strength, aggressive faith, resilience, determination.). Under the old covenant, even though the land was already theirs by the word and promise, they had to fight for it. The enemy is an illegal squatter in your inheritance. You need to violently evict him and kick him out. He will not peaceably hand over your possessions. You must seek the help of a stronger Man to bind the strong man. Jesus Christ is that stronger Man.
I sense that this is a year of prayer. Friends, more prayer, more power. Prayer is what will galvanize the Captain of your salvation into action.
Finally, actively enlist in His army. Serve under the Commander in chief. Actively do what pleases Him and see Him move mightily on your behalf.
This new year, recognize Jesus Christ as the Captain of your salvation. Come into your territory by His name. By Him you will leap over a wall. By Him you will run through a troop.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I acknowledge you as the Captain of my salvation. Please bring me into my inheritance and possession. Thank you, Lord Jesus.


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