Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 23, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Joel 2:23-26
Additional Bible Reading: Zechariah 8:11-12


God's original purpose remains His eternal purpose. What this means is that God's original intention remains the same. He says that He is not a man that changes at every whim and caprice. God remains committed to His original plan and purpose for your life. Do you know what His purpose is for your life? Have you discovered it? Praise God! We are all here to fulfill purposes greater than ourselves.  If you have not discovered why you are in this planet, pursue God more to discover that purpose. Many of you reading this today however may be feeling that the enemy has stolen so much from you. You sense and believe that huge chunks of your destiny has been stolen and tampered with radically.  For some, you feel that you have lost so much time and you are wondering, looking at your age when will the promises of God ever come to pass? Today, there is good news for you. The God that you serve is a God of restoration. This is a very powerful attribute of God. If He has planned something for you, if He blessed you with something and the enemy has tampered with it or stolen it, in this season, God will restore double to you. Get ready!
As I write this, I hear the Spirit of God saying to me to say to you, that even if the loss was due to your fault or mistakes, if you have asked for God's forgiveness, He has forgiven and He will restore! Be fully assured that God's original purpose for your life has not changed. It remains sure, certain and eternal. Keep believing that God will do what He has said He will do. I believe that God will restore to you lost opportunities that were stolen from you or you were denied or cheated. God in this day and this season is making everything NEW AGAIN for you. I strongly believe that many of you reading this devotional who are about to give up on that dream and vision SHOULD NOT!  What you thought you have lost or losing is about to be restored. God is making all things new for you again. Be sensitive to the new platforms and opportunities He is creating around you and to restore what you believed you have lost. God is creating a new window of time to restore time and years that have been wasted. Be sensitive at this time. In this day, He is RESTORING TIME for you. There are ladies out there, you believe you wasted years on the wrong things and wrong persons; He is restoring time to you. When God restores time, He accelerates it! What should have taken you a long time will now take you a very, very short time. Welcome to a new day!

Question and Reflection of the Day: Do you believe that God has the ability to restore what you have lost that He planned for you to have? Have you given up on that dream? DO NOT! God will restore.

Today's Prayer: Dear Father, I believe that you have the power to restore all that the enemy and my mistakes have robbed me of. Accelerate time to my advantage and restore double to me. I am a prisoner of this hope. Bless my day, Lord Jesus.


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