Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 10, 2018.


Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 1:28-40
Additional Bible Reading: Matthew 2:2-3, John 19:19-22. Revelation 19:11-16, Proverbs 10.

Jesus Christ is the reigning king.
The Book of Revelation 5:9-10 declares that Jesus Christ has redeemed us to our God and He has made us kings and priests and we shall reign on the earth. The Book of Daniel tells us that He raises kings and brings down kings. God's plan is that His people should rule the earth on His behalf, this is why He gave us the dominion mandate in Genesis 1:26.
Jesus Christ like we can see in the last Book of the Bible came to restore the dominion mandate back to man.
The Father's will is that His children will rule and reign in the seven mountains or pillars of the society. He has planned and empowered us to rule and reign in business, government, arts and entertainment, education, media, family and religion.
It doesn't matter where you are today or what your present status is, it is important to know that you were born to rule and to reign on the earth as a child of God. You have been redeemed to be the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath.
We can only become kings because Jesus Christ is the King of Kings!! This is His name, title, status and position. This is the word of God.  We derive all rulership and power to reign on the earth from Him.
Jesus is the one in ultimate power and authority. He has been ruling and reigning since He defeated the devil. His reign and regency is forever. He has no tenure, He reigns forever.  The heavens, the earth and all the invisible and visible creation are His realm. This is why we cannot run away from His presence and power.
This is also why nothing can actually be said to be "secular". God rules and reigns in everything. When King Nebuchadnezzar began to get too proud, God pulled him out of the throne and sent him into the bush to live as an animal. Same with King Herod in Acts 12:20-23.
None should attempt to touch the glory and power of the King of Kings. The Bible says that concerning Him, there shall be no end to His rule.
Are you desirous to reign in life this year? This is why the King of Kings laid down His life for you (Romans 5:17). The same way God made David and Solomon kings, His will is that you should rule and reign in your calling and purpose here on earth.
As you enter this New Year, determine to rule and reign in the purpose and calling of God for your life.
Beloved, remember that you were born to rule and to reign on the earth because your Lord and Master is the reigning King. Call upon that name today!!

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, I bow down to you today as the King of all kings. The power and authority to rule and reign on earth flows from you. I walk today in the consciousness of the delegated kingship that you have placed upon me. I declare that I will never be under any circumstances or power that is not from you or of you. Thank you, Lord Jesus.


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