Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 29, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Nahum 1:2 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 35:4, Deuteronomy 32:35, Isaiah 59:18, Proverbs 29.


The prophet Nahum describes the Lord thus:  "The Lord avenges and is furious. The Lord will take vengeance on His adversaries " Beloved, the God you serve is a God of justice. He judges every evil. He judges every injustice. It is so important that we understand this nature of God. If you believe that you have been unjustly treated, take it before God. If you believe that you have not been properly compensated in anything, take it before God. The Bible says that vengeance belongs to the Lord and recompense. In my short years of walking with the Lord, I have seen this aspect of God revealed over and over. Have you been betrayed and hurt deeply by people? Have you been treated callously by people who feel they are too strong for you?  Beloved, cheer up! Over and over again, I have seen God judge the cause of the oppressed and the weak. I have seen God rise up as the Avenger of His people. God fights for His people when they cannot fight for themselves. He takes up the case of the weak, defenseless and the oppressed?  He told the children to hold their peace and that He will fight for them. (Exodus 14:14) Many times we feel that God takes too long in righting our wrongs, we want justice now. At other times, we feel we should take vengeance ourselves. God tells us Himself that we should not avenge ourselves; we should leave all vengeance to Him. He knows how to pour hot coals on the head of the enemies of our lives. Beloved, where possible forgive the people who have hurt you or have wrongfully mistreated you. Release them to God and let Him judge those situations. But whatever you do this year, do not take matters into your hands. At the very worse, report the matter to the court of heaven and allow the Avenger to fight your cause. Pharaoh and Egypt were eventually judged by God. They were ten plagues but the last was a judgment. Friends, God is totally aware of all that concerns you. Go into the year fully conscious that He will fight all the adversaries of your soul. Remember, Jesus Christ in the book of Nahum is your Avenger. God bless you.

Today's Prayer: Lord Jesus, I declare you as my Avenger. You are my God of justice. Today, I hand over every injustice into your hands. Fight my cause, Lord Jesus this year. Be the Avenger of every adversary of my life. Thank you Lord Jesus.


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