Welcome to 2018!
We must build and place 'Guard Rails" on the road to destiny in 2018.
As we travel on most of our highways, we will notice guard rails on both sides of the road. They are placed there to protect travelers/motorists from going off the road and crashing and bringing great harm to themselves and their vehicles.
On most roads, the guard rails are placed at strategic points on the highway, at sharp turns or where there are ditches, cliffs or sheer drops on the sides of the road. The guard rails are placed their to protect road users.
As you travel on the journey of 2018, build and place guard rails on your journey. Place guard rails in every area of your life, in your choices and decisions, in your significant relationships. Guard rails will help you from getting off the road of destiny and crashing in life.
Even though guard rails look beautiful on the highway, they are very strong. They are strong enough to stop vehicles from crashing through them and going over. They are not cosmetic. They are life savers.
Place strong guard rails in your life this year.  They can be strong accountability partners or mentors who can stop us from making grave destiny errors.
Early in your journey this year, place guard rails.
I wish you a safe journey and Godspeed!
-Pastor Ike Monye


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