Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 16, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Proverbs 8:10-34
Additional Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6, 1 Corinthians 1:30, Revelation 5:12, Proverbs 16.


Wisdom has been defined as the wise application of knowledge, experience, insight or common sense. Another definition says it is the quality of being prudent and sensible.
These definitions of wisdom as good as they sound are really the definition of human wisdom. The wisdom of God far exceeds every human wisdom and every satanic wisdom. The wisdom of God is a spiritual force. The word of God is the wisdom of God. The wisdom of God will put you over every situation. The wisdom of God will deliver you when you run out of human ideas. The wisdom of God will save you when you are at your wits end.
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us not to lean on our understanding, intellect, knowledge or common sense but in all our ways we should acknowledge Him so that He can direct our paths. God's wisdom is profitable to lead and direct. With God's wisdom you can never be stranded in life or in any situation. This is my personal testimony. When in situations that I am totally out of my depth, I do not panic. I withdraw into the place of prayer to seek the wisdom of God. Ten out of ten times God's wisdom has delivered me and also promoted me.
The wisdom of God will help you solve the riddles and enigmas of life. The wisdom of God grants you a true discernment of spirits so you are able to assess knowledge far above the natural senses.
Joseph and Daniel possessed supernatural wisdom and the ability to interpret dreams and visions. This greatly blessed and promoted them. Scripture says that Joseph taught the senators and elders of Egypt wisdom. King Solomon possessed a huge amount of wisdom and also an understanding heart. He had asked God for wisdom. This wisest king also became the wealthiest king. The bible says in Proverbs that wisdom is greater than wealth. Great wisdom will bring great wealth. King Solomon wrote most of the books of Proverbs and Ecclesiastes.
Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God. He is the personification of God's wisdom. The scripture in the Book of Corinthians says that Jesus Christ has become God's wisdom to us. The scripture in the Book of Revelation says that He died and rose again to receive wisdom among other things.
Beloved, Jesus is the wisdom of God because He is also the living word. In His earth walk, people were amazed at His wisdom and knowledge. Some exclaimed "where did this man receive this knowledge and understanding?"
Jesus Christ is the fountain of all wisdom. He carries the Spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding. In this new year, challenge yourself to higher and deeper levels of fellowship and intimacy with Jesus and His word and it will surprise you what great blessings it will bring.
Your days of being constantly stranded and confused are over. You do not need to resort to the wisdom and common sense of the world, reach up into the wisdom of God. It will distinguish you and promote you. Reach out today to the person of Jesus.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, today, I acknowledge you as the wisdom of God. Wisdom dwells with you. As I walk and fellowship with you; remove every foolishness and errors from me. Bless and endow me with your wisdom in this season. Thank you Lord Jesus.


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