Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 4, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Exodus 13:20-22
Additional Bible Reading: Nehemiah 9:19-25, Proverbs 4.


As the children of Israel were delivered from their Egyptian captivity and went through the forty years of their wilderness journey, the Bible records that the pillar of cloud went with them by day and the pillar of fire by night. It was a visible presence for those forty years. Powerful!!
Jesus was also the Provider that provided manna for forty years. He was also the Rock that followed them and gave them living water.
The word of God records that Jesus was that pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night.
The pillar of cloud and the pillar of fire represented His manifest presence to His people. He had assured Moses in Exodus 33 that His presence will go with them. For those forty years, His presence never left them. The pillar of cloud went ahead of them in the day to provide guidance and direction in the wilderness. The pillar of fire at night provided light and protection.
Jesus is still doing the same today. We must walk in the fullness of what has been made available to us.
He is the One who sends on an assignment and a journey and He goes with you. He has promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us. Are you going through a wilderness or through a rough patch, be assured that He is in that rough patch with you. He is actually more available with you at your most difficult and vulnerable seasons. Be assured that the waters will not drown you and the fires of life will not consume you.
Jesus as the pillar of cloud by day provides direction and guidance on your journey in life. The Bible says in Psalm 119:105 that He is the light upon your path and the lamp upon your feet. In this New Year, seek His guidance and daily direction. The writer of Proverbs says that we should not lean on our understanding but in all our ways we should acknowledge God so He will direct our paths.
Life without God and His Christ is very dark. He is the One that can enlighten our darkness through knowledge, understanding and wisdom. Are you in a dark place? Are you confused by the riddles and enigmas of life? Jesus Christ is the light that shines in a dark place.
Jesus is the One that provides protection and preservation. He remains the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. He remains the captain of the hosts of heaven. He remains the one that triumphed over Satan and made a public spectacle of him. He remains the One that took captivity captive and is leading daily in a triumphant procession. Through Him and by Him, we will do valiantly. He always leads us in triumph.
As we go into a new year, make Him your pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Remember, blessed is he who comes in His name.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, as I go on this journey of life and faith especially this year, may I continually sense your abiding presence and guidance. Lead me by day in your pillar of cloud and by night in a pillar of fire. Help me to be more sensitive and obedient to the promptings and leadings of your Spirit. Help me to walk daily in the strong assurance that you are with me and all that concerns me. Thank you, my pillar of cloud, by day and my pillar of fire by night.


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