Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 21, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Ezekiel 1:1-16
Additional Bible Reading: Matthew 16:13-20, Matthew 9:1-8, John 1:10-13, Proverbs 21.


Like in the Book of Isaiah we see a number of shadows and types of Christ in the Book of Ezekiel. He is our wonderful "Four-faced Man', He is also the 'Wheel within a Wheel" and many other shadows and types of the Pre-existent Christ.
The title "Son of Man" occurs over ninety times in the Book of Ezekiel. While the title is applied to Ezekiel himself, it was appropriated by our Lord Jesus as His favourite self-designation. Therefore Ezekiel will be regarded as a type of Christ.
The title Son of Man speaks clearly of the humanity of Jesus. He was called "the son of Joseph'. Indeed this became quite an issue later when He declared His Divinity and Deity, the people could not believe Him, and after all they had known Him for over thirty years as 'Joseph's son".
It was necessary for Him to have become "son of man". This was the only legal way for Him to atone for the sins of the "sons of men". The first Adam sinned; it would require another Adam to pay for the penalty of sin.  This became the love of God and the wisdom of God for His only Begotten Son to take on the form of a man. He had to become the "Son of Man".
I teach that God had to become man so that man can become "god". Indeed so, for as many as received Him, He gave the right and authority to become sons of God.
Jesus Christ as the Son of Man has walked in your shoes. He has felt what you feel. He has experienced what you are experiencing so when He leads you as your shepherd, you should trust Him. It is commonly said that you cannot judge a man until you have walked a thousand steps in his shoes. Beloved, He has walked a thousand steps in our shoes, so He is eminently qualified to lead, guide, instruct and extend love and compassion.
Our Lord Jesus carries the dual nature, '"Son of Man" and also "The Son of God" which speaks of His divinity.  We also because of what He has done for us carry a dual nature, our humanity and our spirit nature, because our spirit has been regenerated and made alive.
I challenge you in this New Year to lean more towards your spirit man far more than your old Adamic nature. Your old human nature pulls you down but your spirit man pulls you upwards and forwards.  Exercise your spirit man more in the days and seasons ahead so that it can be said of us 'know no man anymore after the flesh".
Remember, beloved, even though you are a 'son of man' like Jesus, that which is born of the Spirit is spirit',
God bless you.

Today's Prayer:
Thank you Lord Jesus for taking on my nature to reach me where I am. Help me to become more like you today and in the days ahead. Help me to be conscious of my dual nature and help me to lean towards my spirit nature. Thank you, Lord Jesus.


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