Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 20, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Lamentations 3:22-23
Additional Bible Reading: John 11:45, John 19:41-44, Mark 10:46-52, Proverbs 20.


I am so glad and excited that my Lord Jesus is compassionate and merciful. We saw this in His earth walk. The Bible records severally how His heart was full of compassion for the people. He is a powerful and effective High Priest before the Father on our behalf because He can identify with our weaknesses and infirmities. Hallelujah!
In demonstration of His humanity and compassion, He wept at the grave of His friend, Lazarus.
He wept over Jerusalem because though He was in their midst, they refused to recognize what made for their peace.
Our Lord Jesus in His earth walk and even now before the Father is an embodiment of mercy. He is the Father of mercies. His vicarious suffering and death on the cross has caused His mercy to triumph over judgement.
Blind Bartimeus had only one plea: "Son of David, have mercy on me!" This got the attention of Jesus. The ten lepers who were ostracized by society cried out for mercy and Jesus heard them. The woman who was caught in adultery and faced death by stoning received a second chance by the forgiveness of Jesus.
Beloved, like all the people who carried stones to stone the woman have sinned themselves; we also have sinned and are still sinning. It is only by His mercies and compassion that we are not consumed.  Today, are you in need of mercy and compassion from God? Are you at your wits end and do not know which way to turn? Have people you trusted in disappointed and let you down? You can run to the Lord of compassion.
He is the weeping Prophet. The Bible records that He ever lives to make intercession for us.
When all else have failed, turn to the Lord of compassion.
Friends, if He has shown you mercy, forgiveness and compassion, extend the same mercy, forgiveness and compassion to others. As we go into a new year, let go of the hurts and pains others have caused you. His grace will be sufficient for you.
Welcome to a new day!

Today's Prayer:
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you because I know that your mercies are new every morning, great indeed is your faithfulness. As you show me mercy and compassion, help me to extend the same love, mercy and compassion to others.


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