Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 8, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Ruth 4:12-17
Additional Bible Reading: Ruth 2:1, Hosea 13:14, Job 33:23-24, Proverbs 8.


The Book of Ruth is one of the most powerful books of the Old Testament. The themes it contains are very powerful. We see tragedy, hopelessness and despair turn to hope, restoration and a new life. Naomi's life was turned dramatically for good because of Boaz, who married Ruth, her daughter-in-law. Indeed the testimony of the people about Naomi is this: "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative...”- Ruth 4:14
Boaz was the kinsman who redeemed Naomi and Ruth and by so doing totally changed their lives and destiny because he was a wealthy man. The marriage to Boaz produced offspring in the lineage of David and ultimately our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our Lord Jesus by going to the cross for you has become your closest relative and has become your kinsman Redeemer. He has redeemed you from shame, reproach, generational and ancestral curses and limitations. He has redeemed you like Naomi and Ruth from a life of tragedy, hopelessness and despair.
Beloved, you must believe this and walk in this consciousness. Jesus has become your wealthy, powerful Kinsman Redeemer. He has become our closest relative, the first born among many brethren. He has made us who we are, from not a people to become a people. We were wild olive trees but He has plucked us out from the wild and engrafted us into the family tree of the Father. He has become to us a restorer of life and our nourisher
Friends, it does not matter what your original family situation and history is like, Jesus Christ by paying the ultimate ransom has delivered you from the power of poverty, sickness, death and the grave.
In this New Year, you need to keep declaring what your Kinsman Redeemer has done for you and your household. The Bible says "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so". We are in a season of declaring and speaking. In this January, you must not keep quiet. Keep speaking and keep declaring that your Kinsman Redeemer and your closest relative has redeemed you and your family from failure, defeat, shame and death.
Go into your day, month and year in this name of the Lord!

Today's Prayer:
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for being my closest relative that has redeemed me. What my father and mother could not do for me, you have done for me. I will walk into this season with the understanding of this spiritual reality. I am redeemed!!


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