Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 22, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Daniel 3:19-25
Additional Bible Reading: John 16:33, Isaiah 43:1-4, Proverbs 22.


The word of God tells us that in this world there will be tribulation. That's the Bible word for trouble and pressure. Tribulation is what happens to an orange when you seriously squeeze it to extract the juice. Many of us are very familiar with tribulation, trouble and pressure. Some of you may be going through some now as you read this devotional. Indeed a preacher said a long time ago that at some point you are going through some trouble, you may have gone through one, you may be through one now and you will likely go through one in the future. For as long as we are in the world, there will be trouble - these are the words of Jesus.  He however gives us a very great assurance in that scripture. He tells us to cheer up because He has overcome the world and its troubles. On account of your being a child of God you will go through warfare and you will go through persecution. Indeed if you are a true child of God and you have never or are not going through any warfare, opposition or persecution, then you need to seriously evaluate your Christian walk. As soldiers and believers of the cross, the enemy will fight us and men will also fight us. Some other times we may go through the adverse consequences of wrong choices we have made. The good news today friends is, that no matter where your trouble has come from, Jesus Christ is the Fourth Man in the fiery furnace of life.  What has blessed me in our main text is that it was the same King Nebuchadnezzar that threw them into the fire that also began to testify about their deliverance. May that be your testimony in the time of trouble, attack and persecution. Jesus will fight and defend His own. If you are a true child of God, never allow the enemy to deceive you that Jesus abandons His own in time of trouble. It was the pre-incarnate Jesus that showed up hundreds of years to defend the cause of the righteousness.  Beloved, this was even under the old covenant. He is much more available and ready to defend and stand for the cause of His people who are persecuted, oppressed, attacked or in any form of trouble. The word of God tells us that we should call upon Him in time of trouble. The Bible tells that He is our present help in time of trouble. Remember, it is Jesus yesterday, today and forever. An indication that God is with you is that like the case of the burning bush, though pressure and trouble will be all around you, our God will keep you from being consumed. The God that will be in your midst will be strong and mighty. It is a new year and there may be challenges and troubles ahead, do not be afraid. There is One with you who has assured us that because He is with us the waters of life will not drown us and the fires of life will not consume us.  Call upon the Fourth Man today. God bless you.

Today's Prayer Lord Jesus, I recognize You as my Fourth Man in the time of trouble. I declare that no matter how much the furnace of life gets hot, my joy is that you have overcome the world and its troubles. I trust you Lord Jesus in the time of trouble.


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