Daily Devotionals- January Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
January 17, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Song of Solomon 2:1-5
Additional Bible Reading: John 3:16, Matthew 25:1-13, Ephesians 3:17-19, Proverbs 17.


Beloved, the word of God tells us that God so loved us that He sent His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him will not perish but will have eternal life. As popular and as common as this verse is, it is the most powerful verse in the whole Bible. It is the basis of our relationship with God and the foundation of the new covenant.
That verse so powerfully expresses the love of God for us. Jesus Christ laid down His life for us. What manner of love is this? The righteous died for the unrighteous. God took the place of man.  This is the love of God. Friends, the end of all your struggles and toil will come when you come to an understanding or a revelation of the love of God for you.
Romans 8:38-39 says "that I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor principalities nor angels nor powers, nor depth, nor height or any created thing shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord" Powerful!!
Apostle Paul writing in the Book of Ephesians says that He desires that we will comprehend the length, depth, width of God's love and that we may know the love of Christ which passes knowledge. That love Paul says can only be experienced or be caught by revelation.
Friends, God loves you far more than your finite minds can comprehend. This is why I pray for you also that you catch this revelation by His Spirit. It does not matter how your life has been or how it is now, please know that the creator of the heavens and the earth and your creator loves you.
Jesus Christ is the embodiment of that love. He is the personification of that love. Every time you think Jesus, think the love of God. He is the lover of your soul. His word says that His banner over you is love. In a world of cruelty, wickedness and evil, Jesus loves you!!
The love of man is so inferior and poor compared to the love of God. The love of man at best is conditional and passing. God's love is unconditional and eternal. He loved you even when you didn't know Him. He loved you while you were still a first class sinner. We are the ones who change towards God. His love for us remains unchanging and unconditional. That love is a decision and not a feeling.
Jesus Christ came as a demonstration of this love. He came to seek our highest good. This is the love of God.
Beloved, we are His bride and He is our eternal bridegroom. No separations, no divorce from Him. Nothing can separate us from His love. When it is all said and done, a marriage supper will be held between you and the Lover of your soul.
As we go into a new year, approach it with a lot of confidence knowing that the Dayspring, the Daystar and the Morning Star loves you. Remember, blessed is he who comes in His name.
Enter your day, your month and your year with the revelation that Jesus Christ is your lover.
God bless you.

Today's Prayer:
Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing to love me in the midst of my many weaknesses and shortcomings. Thank you for loving me in a world full of hatred, wickedness, cruelty and evil. Help me to love others in the same way that you love.
Help me to go through this month and year in the confidence of your love.


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