Daily Devotionals- September Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye September 1, 2017. Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-28 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 60:22 BLESSED TO BE FRUITFUL... (PART 1) Welcome to a great month! The first words and blessings that the Godhead declared over man was the blessing of fruitfulness and multiplication. This is very significant! The word blessing simply means a divine empowerment to succeed. The main scripture this morning says that God has empowered man to be fruitful and to multiply. It is important to know that God's original intention remains His eternal purpose. God has not changed His mind concerning His people. A powerful component of His dominion mandate for man is that man will be fruitful, multiply and subdue his world. What is fruitfulness? It is the ability to reproduce. It means the power to bring forth. It is an inherent power to be productive. It usually will also mean increase and enlargement. We will be looking at these different co...