
Showing posts from August, 2017
Daily Devotionals- September Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye September 1, 2017. Scripture Reading: Genesis 1:26-28 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 60:22 BLESSED TO BE FRUITFUL... (PART 1) Welcome to a great month! The first words and blessings that the Godhead declared over man was the blessing of fruitfulness and multiplication. This is very significant! The word blessing simply means a divine empowerment to succeed. The main scripture this morning says that God has empowered man to be fruitful and to multiply.  It is important to know that God's original intention remains His eternal purpose. God has not changed His mind concerning His people. A powerful component of His dominion mandate for man is that man will be fruitful, multiply and subdue his world. What is fruitfulness? It is the ability to reproduce. It means the power to bring forth. It is an inherent power to be productive. It usually will also mean increase and enlargement. We will be looking at these different co
PROPHETIC DECLARATIONS FOR THE MONTH OF SEPTEMBER 2017 Father, I thank you for the gift and blessing of the month of September. I receive this new month with a grateful heart. I embrace and welcome September with great expectations and anticipation and I enter it with the heart of faith. In line with Deuteronomy 32:11-12, as the eagle carries her young on her wings, Lord, carry me and my family into this new season of life. As You alone led Israel, lead me Lord this September. This month I will walk in obedience of your word and to your revealed will for my life. Lord, cause me this month to ride on the heights of the cities and nations of the earth. I declare that it is my season and time of supernatural advancement and progress. The old seasons of stagnation and delay are broken and totally over. It is my month to move forward and never backwards, I declare that the old is gone and the new is here!! In line with Genesis 7:11, may the windows of Your heaven be open continu
SPECIAL INVITATION: #DaughtersFulfillingDestiny #3rdAnniversary #KickOffEvent #ThingsTeensShouldKnow


SPECIAL INVITATION: There will be a special program for TEENS (boys and girls) with the theme: THINGS TEENS SHOULD KNOW- "TTSK". This is to create awareness on the menace of abuse on teens especially between the ages of 10-19 years. Date: 4th September 2017. Time: 11am. Venue: The Marquee, Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Street, Asokoro, Abuja. Parents please bring your children and wards...
INVITATION TO A SPECIAL MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE @ TOG. Join TOG Abuja TODAY Wednesday in a powerful time in God's presence. Be uplifted by the powerful anointing of corporate worship as the TOD choir leads us into God's awesome presence. Answers always await you in His presence!!! Time: 6.00pm prompt @ Livingbrooks, Asokoro, Abuja. Come with family and friends!
Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 30, 2017. Scripture Reading: 2 Timothy 2:13 Additional Bible Reading: Numbers 23:19. 1 Corinthians 10:13 HE CANNOT DENY HIMSELF... Welcome to a new day! One of the greatest assurances for the child of God is that God doesn't change. He is faithful and He remains faithful. We can totally trust and rely on Him because He is faithful. No new day will change God. No new month or year will change God. That is incredibly re-assuring. Hallelujah!  He says in Malachi 36: "I am God and I change not". He remains faithful in all of His ways. With your God, season is no reason to change. Our God carries within Him the ability and capacity to change situations and circumstances but He Himself remains the same, unchanging and faithful. What our God did yesterday, He is still able to do today and tomorrow. The word of God describes Him as "....the same yesterday, today and forever"! Hallelujah! Have you ever
SPECIAL INVITATION: There will be a special program for TEENS (boys and girls) with the theme: THINGS TEENS SHOULD KNOW- "TTSK". This is to create awareness on the menace of abuse on teens especially between the ages of 10-19 years. Date: 4th September 2017. Time: 11am. Venue: The Marquee, Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Street, Asokoro, Abuja. Parents please bring your children and wards...
SPECIAL INVITATION: There will be a special program for TEENS (boys and girls) with the theme: THINGS TEENS SHOULD KNOW- "TTSK". This is to create awareness on the menace of abuse on teens especially between the ages of 10-19 years. Date: 4th September 2017. Time: 11am. Venue: The Marquee, Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Street, Asokoro, Abuja. Parents please bring your children and wards...
Faithfulness in the kingdom is powerful but we achieve the EXTRAORDINARY when we add knowledge and accuracy to faithfulness!
Our hearts is full of God's PRAISE and we will WORSHIP Him without limits this Wednesday @ TOG. Time: 6.00pm. Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro. Do not come alone!

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 29, 2017. Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 13:6-10 Additional Bible Reading: Jeremiah 6:16, Deuteronomy 32:4 MODERN PEOPLE, ANCIENT PRINCIPLES... A few days ago we said that God original purpose remains His eternal purpose. Same way, His eternal principles remain the same. We must be the ones that change. He will not change. True and authentic prayer does not change God, it changes you. There are things about God that will never change. His principles, laws, ways, ordinances, statutes, justice and righteousness remain eternal. His word remains eternally unchanging. The Psalmist cries out in Psalm 119:89 "Forever, O Lord your word is settled in heaven". There will never be a reason to review, re-write or edit the word of God. It will remain forever powerful, unchanging and relevant in any age and dispensation. In the scripture we read today a man dies tragically because Israel refused to follow the ancient pri

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 28, 2017. Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 4:7-37 Additional Bible Reading: Genesis 37:18-28 IN THIS NEW DAY, HE WILL RESTORE! (PART 6)  Have you ever had a word from God and it looks like it had died? Do you have a dream and a vision that has literally died? In today's Bible passages, it appeared like the dreams "died" at the beginning but take a look again at the end of the stories. If that word, prophecy, dream, vision or gift genuinely came from God, it cannot die or remain dead. Whatever is born of God carries with it the very life and power of God. If it "dies" for a season and it may indeed "die" for a season, it will resurrect in a bigger and greater dimension to the glory of God.  There may be seasons of your life when a genuine and a true dream and vision of God will look like it has died. If you did all you needed to do, yet the dream and vision died totally beyond your control,

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 27, 2017. Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 30:1-8 Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 126:1-6 (Please read). IN THIS NEW DAY HE WILL RESTORE... (PART 5) Many of us quit too quickly, give up easily or easily get intimidated by the challenges and troubles that life and the devil brings. Truth be told, some situations are really tough and pressure-packed. Some actually appear quite irreversible. Today's main Bible passage appears to be one of those difficult seasons that you walk into and you have very little hope of a good ending.  Many times we forget that God still remains the script writer and director of the movie titled "My Life".  Beloved, He is still in control even when it appears that all control has been lost. Truth be told again, we may lose some battles but ultimately for the child of God, you will win in the end.  Any really good movie will have an incredible, on-the-edge-of-your-seat suspense. It wil


It is time to THANK and PRAISE the LORD... Join us this Sunday @ 9.00am @ Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro. Do not come alone!

Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 26, 2017. Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-24 Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 51:1-19 (Please read this scripture) IN THIS NEW DAY HE WILL RESTORE.... (PART 4). Many times in our lives God's new doesn't come because we are still in a far away country. The restoration you are looking for daily may actually be right in your hands. It is amazing how powerful our choices are. Life and death are in our choices. In my years of walking with God I have discovered that God does not change and does not move. We are the ones who change and we are the one who move and many times, we move far away beyond where His hands can reach us. The prodigal son preferred the hand of the father more than the heart of the father. This is where most of the 21st century Christians are in their relationship with God, constantly seeking His hands not His heart. Our cry today is 'Give me what is mine, let me go". King David broke His
SPECIAL INVITATION: You are specially invited today to a TOG LIFE CENTRE closest to you! You are guaranteed to find LIFE in any of our Life Centres. There is one close to you. Thank God it is Friday!!!

Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 25, 2017. Scripture Reading: John 2:1-10 Additional Bible Reading: Job 42:12-16. John 10:10. IN THIS NEW DAY HE WILL RESTORE... (PART 3) Our main scripture today is powerful! "You have kept the good wine until NOW.". This is the nature of our God. This is how He operates. He saves the best for last. When everybody and everything gives up on you and it looks like we have all seen the BEST of you, this is when God shows up in your life and reveals a NEW YOU, a dimension of you that wasn't apparent. God doesn't reveal all He has for you at once. Many times in His dealings with us and in our life journeys He hides aspects of who He is and what He is capable of doing. The more we seek Him, the more we will find Him. One of the powerful things I like about our God is that there are many things the devil will never know about the destinies of God's people. The devil will have an idea of some things about you but not EVER
Our hearts is full of God's praise and we will worship Him this Sunday without limits at our SUPER CELEBRATION THANKSGIVING SERVICE. Time: 9.00am. Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro.


Don't miss a profound time of impact at TOG this Sunday with one of the great builders in the kingdom, Pastor Ike J. Monye. Time: 9.00am. Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro.




"Ask the Lord for rain in the time of the latter rain." Zechariah 10:1 Rain is about to fall on somebody's bank account. Rain is about to fall on somebody's barren womb. Rain is about to fall on somebody's sick body. God is about to send rain. We are in the season of the latter rain!

Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 24, 2017. Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:11-15 Additional bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31 IN THIS NEW DAY HE WILL RESTORE... (PART 2) Is there a promise of God hanging over your life? Are there prophecies over your life and destiny that looks like it is taking for ever to come to pass? Is your reality so far from your revelation? Are you beginning to wonder if you didn't imagine all those beautiful things in your head. If God indeed spoke to you be assured that He is committed to His word and prophecy over your life. It may not look like it right now but God is BEHIND THE SCENES working for you far more than you know.  In the scripture today, we see that God has the ability to literally PAUSE TIME for your sake. With Joshua, He stopped time, with Hezekiah, He reversed time, with Sarah, Abraham's wife He stopped time. At her twilight years, at what was supposed to be the evening or winter time of her life, God stopped Sarah's b


When you step into God's presence, you are operating in divine realm where all things are possible! Join us this evening for MIDWEEK COMMUNION SERVICE it will bless and change your life. Time: 6.00pm. Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro. Do not come alone!


"Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might..." Ephesians 6:10. Join us this Wednesday as we receive illumination from God's word and great power and deliverance in the place of prayer! Be uplifted by life changing testimonies and  great worship by the TOD choir. Answers await you in His Presence! Do not come alone! Time: 6.00pm. Venue: Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Asokoro.

Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 23, 2017. Scripture Reading: Joel 2:23-26 Additional Bible Reading: Zechariah 8:11-12 IN THIS NEW DAY HE WILL RESTORE... (PART 1) God's original purpose remains His eternal purpose. What this means is that God's original intention remains the same. He says that He is not a man that changes at every whim and caprice. God remains committed to His original plan and purpose for your life. Do you know what His purpose is for your life? Have you discovered it? Praise God! We are all here to fulfill purposes greater than ourselves.  If you have not discovered why you are in this planet, pursue God more to discover that purpose. Many of you reading this today however may be feeling that the enemy has stolen so much from you. You sense and believe that huge chunks of your destiny has been stolen and tampered with radically.  For some, you feel that you have lost so much time and you are wondering, looking at your age when will the promis


Come and experience praise and worship like never before with anointed music ministers this Sunday @ TOG's SUPER CELEBRATION THANKSGIVING SERVICE... Time: 9.00am prompt. Venue: The Marquee, Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Street Asokoro, Abuja. Invite family and friends.


For all You have done O LORD; Hallelujah, we are grateful. Join Temple of Glory(TOG) Abuja to proclaim the mighty splendor of the LORD at our Thanksgiving service this Sunday. Time: 9.00am prompt. The Marquee, Livingbrooks Park, Plot 281, Jesse Jackson Street off Jimmy Carter Street Asokoro, Abuja. Invite family and friends.



Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye August 21, 2017. Scripture Reading: Exodus 32:1-8 Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 31:1-3 NEW LEVELS, NEW GODS? (PART 1 ). For a child of God, no situation or circumstance should ever make you create and bow down to new "gods". Anything that you place your express trust in or worship totally is a god.  As children of God we must serve only one God. No delays in your expectations from God should pressure you to follow or seek new gods. In our main scripture today, we can see that God was totally conscious and aware of what was going on in the camp of Israel even though He was talking with Moses. Our God is totally aware of your location and situation. Between Egypt and the Promise Land, there will be wilderness. Do not have new gods in your wilderness. Do not have new gods in your present placement or location in life. The God who has brought you this far is faithful. If He brought you out of Egypt, He will definitely take you into yo