Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 28, 2017.

Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 4:7-37
Additional Bible Reading: Genesis 37:18-28


Have you ever had a word from God and it looks like it had died? Do you have a dream and a vision that has literally died? In today's Bible passages, it appeared like the dreams "died" at the beginning but take a look again at the end of the stories. If that word, prophecy, dream, vision or gift genuinely came from God, it cannot die or remain dead. Whatever is born of God carries with it the very life and power of God. If it "dies" for a season and it may indeed "die" for a season, it will resurrect in a bigger and greater dimension to the glory of God.  There may be seasons of your life when a genuine and a true dream and vision of God will look like it has died. If you did all you needed to do, yet the dream and vision died totally beyond your control, fret not. God is in control. He knows all the variables. He controls all the variables. The word of God says that "unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone. But if it DIES, it produces much fruit" (John 12:24). For the child of God and for the man and woman called by God, all things work together for our good. What looks like "death" or a terrible setback may be working out a greater level of glory for God. Our God will use everything within His sovereignty to achieve His purpose. He may use "death", delay, rejection and failure to fulfill His purpose ultimately in your life. The place of fulfillment of Joseph's dream was Egypt; it became necessary therefore for the Canaan dream to "die".  It was also necessary for Joseph to be re-located to Egypt. How will he go?  Who will pay the fare?  The rest is Bible history. Hallelujah!  Know for certain that He is the RESURRECTION and the LIFE. Though it dies, Truth be told, the enemy will fight fiercely every genuine dream and vision from God especially at the young stage when it is still very vulnerable. It is important that you protect your dreams and visions. Guard jealously the word of God and prophecies over your life and destiny.  Be assured that His gifts and callings are without repentance. If there is a dream and vision that God has given to you, this is the time to pick it up again. Take it off from the shelf.  Remember, whatever is born of God OVERCOMES the world. It is well! Welcome to a new day!

Question and Reflection of the Day: What has happened to that dream and vision? Have you interpreted it properly? It is time to pick it up again. What did we learn today?

Today's Prayer: Lord Jesus, I know for certain that it is indeed well with my soul! You are the resurrection and the life, therefore I live in you, I move in you and I have my being in you! Hallelujah! Bless my day, Lord Jesus.


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