Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 25, 2017.

Scripture Reading: John 2:1-10
Additional Bible Reading: Job 42:12-16. John 10:10.


Our main scripture today is powerful!
"You have kept the good wine until NOW.". This is the nature of our God. This is how He operates. He saves the best for last. When everybody and everything gives up on you and it looks like we have all seen the BEST of you, this is when God shows up in your life and reveals a NEW YOU, a dimension of you that wasn't apparent. God doesn't reveal all He has for you at once. Many times in His dealings with us and in our life journeys He hides aspects of who He is and what He is capable of doing. The more we seek Him, the more we will find Him. One of the powerful things I like about our God is that there are many things the devil will never know about the destinies of God's people. The devil will have an idea of some things about you but not EVERYTHING.  God keeps His beautiful joker close to His chest until the "NOW" moment. Who would have thought that water in Cana in Galilee had the power and potential of turning to wine? Who could have thought that those earthen pots had the ability to be the earthen vessels that carried new treasures? Who would have thought that the marriage still had anything new to offer? Many times God takes you LEFT first before taking you RIGHT!  The bible says that if the rulers of this age had known they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. (1Corinthians 2:8) Do not give up on yourself. There are aspects of your life and destiny that the world has not seen yet. Do not allow the pressures of your present time and may be the repeated failures of the past ever get you to the point where you will believe that your life has peaked. No sir! No ma! He still has the best saved for last. Who would have thought looking at Job chapter 1 and Job chapter 2 that there will ever be Job chapter 42? Every natural person gave up on Job. He had suffered serial tragedies. What was the hope of restoration and recovery? In the natural, it was hopeless and tragic. BUT the God who restores keeps the good wine until NOW! There is a chapter 42 of your life just over the horizon. You must believe God for it and trust Him completely. Did He give you a word that appears to have died, keep speaking and declaring it back to Him in this season daily. That word will still produce the best that we have not seen in your life. Become a voracious reader and eater of God's word. Become desirous to experience new dimensions of God in your life.  A new day is about to break in your life. Shout Hallelujah!

Question and Reflection of the Day: Are you at that point where you think that the world has seen your best? Are you at that point where it looks like God has done His best in your life? What are you taking away from today's devotional.

Today's Prayer: Father, I am desperate for the new and for the best. Bring me to that NOW moment.  Bless my day Lord Jesus.


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