Father, I thank you for the gift and blessing of the month of September.
I receive this new month with a grateful heart.
I embrace and welcome September with great expectations and anticipation and I enter it with the heart of faith.
In line with Deuteronomy 32:11-12, as the eagle carries her young on her wings, Lord, carry me and my family into this new season of life.
As You alone led Israel, lead me Lord this September.
This month I will walk in obedience of your word and to your revealed will for my life.
Lord, cause me this month to ride on the heights of the cities and nations of the earth.
I declare that it is my season and time of supernatural advancement and progress.
The old seasons of stagnation and delay are broken and totally over.
It is my month to move forward and never backwards, I declare that the old is gone and the new is here!!
In line with Genesis 7:11, may the windows of Your heaven be open continually to me and my loved ones this month of September.
May the fountains of Your great deep yield it's great treasures to me and my loved ones this month.
I declare that September being the ninth month is my season of fruitfulness.
My life and destiny will bring forth all my God appointed fruits this month.
My life and the work of my hands from today ceases to be barren and unfruitful,
Like Joseph, I am a fruitful bough planted by a well therefore my branches will go over the wall.
I declare that as I am planted in the house of God and by His rivers of living water this month, every area of my life will bring forth
abundant harvests.
My life, this month will manifest the fruit of the Spirit.
I will walk in love; I will be gentle and kind. I will be patient, Spirit led and controlled this month.
I will have the joy of the Lord, I will walk by faith and not by physical circumstances.
I declare with certainty that I will draw honey and oil from the Rock this month.
Difficult places will be easy places for me this month, every wilderness will become fruitful grounds for me and my family, lack and poverty will be far from me.
In line with Job 23:14, I will receive all that God has appointed for me and my family this September.
This month I will walk in wealth and wisdom, I will walk in supernatural wisdom, understanding and knowledge.
Like Joseph, Daniel and Solomon, supernatural wisdom, understanding and knowledge will distinguish me and my assignments this month.
Father, reveal to me the secrets of the latter days and of the month of September contained in the Seven thunders in Revelation10:1-4
This month, I refuse and reject the spirit of untimely death, terminal afflictions and evil plagued, they will not come near me, my loved
ones and the places of our habitation.
I declare that the blood of Jesus has totally redeemed us.
My family and I will live out our days in full this month and the months ahead.
September is my month of metamorphosis.
It is my month of radical, positive all round change.
It is my season of becoming all that God originally intended for me to become.
I declare that all the days of September are redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.
I know that my God will keep faith and covenant with me and my family this September.
Therefore, I will shout and give Him all the glory and all the praise!
Shout, Hallelujah!!

Pastor Ike J. Monye                                                                                                        Temple of Glory, Abuja.


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