Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 21, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Exodus 32:1-8
Additional Bible Reading: Isaiah 31:1-3


For a child of God, no situation or circumstance should ever make you create and bow down to new "gods". Anything that you place your express trust in or worship totally is a god.  As children of God we must serve only one God. No delays in your expectations from God should pressure you to follow or seek new gods. In our main scripture today, we can see that God was totally conscious and aware of what was going on in the camp of Israel even though He was talking with Moses. Our God is totally aware of your location and situation. Between Egypt and the Promise Land, there will be wilderness. Do not have new gods in your wilderness. Do not have new gods in your present placement or location in life. The God who has brought you this far is faithful. If He brought you out of Egypt, He will definitely take you into your Promised land. He knows your present location and situation even a whole lot more than you do. He has the capacity and ability to finish what He began in you. Do not create new gods or seek alternative “gods" to help you regardless of the present pressure.  Aaron led the people to the highest level of apostasy when he told them that the  golden calves were what delivered Israel from Egypt. Too many lessons to learn here. Christian leaders should never under any circumstances or pressure from follower-ship go into apostasy and idolatry. Secondly, the God who brought you out of your "Egypt" is well able to take you all the way to your "Canaan". We should not have any or carry any foreign gods with us on this journey. As we move from one new level to another, do not rely on the ability of "other gods" to help us or make the transitions.  No new gods with new levels! God doesn't need any help to complete or sustain what He has begun. Remember the powerful, reassuring words of Philippians 1:6: "Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ". Welcome to a new day!

Question and Reflection of the Day: Are you feeling inadequate and frustrated at your present position? Are you in a situation where you feel just an extra push to get you over to the other side or level and you are considering another "god" or alternative helper? Stop!  God will not let you down.

Today's Prayer: Father, help me not to seek help or a little push from any source or "gods" outside of you. I believe and trust in you. I judge you faithful.  Bless my day Lord Jesus.


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