Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 26, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Luke 15:11-24
Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 51:1-19 (Please read this scripture)


Many times in our lives God's new doesn't come because we are still in a far away country. The restoration you are looking for daily may actually be right in your hands. It is amazing how powerful our choices are. Life and death are in our choices. In my years of walking with God I have discovered that God does not change and does not move. We are the ones who change and we are the one who move and many times, we move far away beyond where His hands can reach us. The prodigal son preferred the hand of the father more than the heart of the father. This is where most of the 21st century Christians are in their relationship with God, constantly seeking His hands not His heart. Our cry today is 'Give me what is mine, let me go". King David broke His communion and intimacy with God in a very bad way when he committed adultery and murder in the matter of Bathsheba.  He took what his hand could take but he broke the heart of God. When we LIVE in sin and continue in active disobedience to the revealed will of God we make it impossible for the NEW in God to reach us. David's greatest loss was his loss of his intimacy and fellowship with the Holy Spirit of God. He had the sex, he had the woman, he had the thrill, he had the power but he lost what was most important. He lost what He had with God. Where are you today with God? How are you today with God?  How's your fellowship with the Holy Spirit? Are you aware of His presence? Did He leave a long time ago and you were not even aware? Today's devotion is very important. Is there any area of your life that has become prodigal? What area of your life has become wasteful? Is there a secret sin that has been besetting you for quite a while now? Nothing attacks our intimacy with God than sin. Nothing chases us away from His presence than the guilt of sin. I am challenging you today to REPENT and RETURN. The bible says in Acts 3:19: We should repent so that we can receive the refreshing that comes only from His presence.  David says in the Psalms today "Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me by your generous Spirit" The most important restoration that you need today is the restoration of your relationship with the Godhead. If you need help please seek help or call our help-line:- +2348099765113. Counselors are standing by to help you. Welcome to a new day.

Question and Reflection of the Day: How is your relationship with God? Are you in a far country? What have you learnt from today's study?

Today's Prayer: Restore to me father the joy of your salvation. Restore to me the strength of intimacy with you. Bless my day, my father.


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