Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 29, 2017.

Scripture Reading: 1 Chronicles 13:6-10
Additional Bible Reading: Jeremiah 6:16, Deuteronomy 32:4


A few days ago we said that God original purpose remains His eternal purpose. Same way, His eternal principles remain the same. We must be the ones that change. He will not change. True and authentic prayer does not change God, it changes you. There are things about God that will never change. His principles, laws, ways, ordinances, statutes, justice and righteousness remain eternal. His word remains eternally unchanging. The Psalmist cries out in Psalm 119:89 "Forever, O Lord your word is settled in heaven". There will never be a reason to review, re-write or edit the word of God. It will remain forever powerful, unchanging and relevant in any age and dispensation. In the scripture we read today a man dies tragically because Israel refused to follow the ancient principles and ways of God. They thought they were doing the right thing when they built a NEW cart to carry the presence of God but certain things about God remains eternally unchanging. God's order was that the ark should be carried on the shoulders by the priests not placed on new cart drawn by oxen. God wants us to be the bearers of His burden. That hasn't changed today. The 21st century has not and will not change God. He still wants men to be the ones to carry His burdens and also to bear our crosses on our shoulders. Like the additional bible passage in Jeremiah tells us today, we must look for that ancient path so that we can find true and lasting rest for our souls. We are the ones that should change to become like Him.  We must seek His eternal and unchanging order. I like to say that His ways are the super highways of life. Choose to travel on that highway.  The precise pattern He gave to Noah to build the ark for his preservation and safety kept him and all that he had safe despite the greatest flood the earth had ever known. God's eternal ways will sustain you in a modern world. Some methodologies may change but certain principles and ways of God will forever remain the same! The 21st century will not make adultery and pre-marital sex right before God. Idolatry remains idolatry though the items of worship may have changed. We say in our church, be ancient and modern. Remain ancient in your dealings with your maker and in the obedience of His eternal principles and ways, but imbibe new levels of excellence, culture, presentation and approach.  Wear good decent clothes, be well groomed, look sharp and presentable but REMAIN ancient in the ways of God. Good morning and welcome to a new day.

Question and Reflection of the Day: Have you been wrestling with some of the ways and principles of God and His kingdom? Is the devil whispering to you that it is okay in the 21st century to compromise and tweak some of the ancient ways of God? Has the modern day made some things okay? What are you taking away from this study today?

Today's Prayer: My father, you are the Ancient of days, you are the Ageless One. Help me to always find and abide by your eternal, unchanging ways. May you remain my magnificent obsession. Bless my day my father.


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