Daily Devotionals

Daily Devotionals- August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 27, 2017.

Scripture Reading: 1 Samuel 30:1-8
Additional Bible Reading: Psalms 126:1-6 (Please read).


Many of us quit too quickly, give up easily or easily get intimidated by the challenges and troubles that life and the devil brings. Truth be told, some situations are really tough and pressure-packed. Some actually appear quite irreversible. Today's main Bible passage appears to be one of those difficult seasons that you walk into and you have very little hope of a good ending.  Many times we forget that God still remains the script writer and director of the movie titled "My Life".  Beloved, He is still in control even when it appears that all control has been lost. Truth be told again, we may lose some battles but ultimately for the child of God, you will win in the end.  Any really good movie will have an incredible, on-the-edge-of-your-seat suspense. It will have adrenalin pumping twists and turns. The main star of the thriller or drama will get into very bad corners but at the end, he/she wins! We all like happy endings. The main scripture today is a happy ending. Your life will end well in Jesus name! God is  clearly instructing you not to easily consider defeat in the battles of life. Earnestly contend for your inheritance and for what rightfully belongs to you. Demand for a total restoration where the enemy has taken anything from you. Have you lost life changing opportunities? Has the enemy stolen your health? Has he tampered with the boundaries of your God-ordained inheritance? I believe the word of God for you in this season is "Pursue, overtake and RECOVER all"! That opportunity for victory and success is not totally lost. The devil is a liar!  That doctor's report is subject to change. That wayward child can and will change. That marriage can be restored. That business will rise again. In the additional bible lesson today, the mighty man stood his ground and earnestly contended with what he knew legitimately belonged to him. The enemy is the illegal and illegitimate one that has stolen or vandalized your God given inheritance. He is an illegal squatter on your inheritance. Pursue him and pursue life to recover what is rightly yours that has been stolen or lost. The ability to OVERTAKE is upon you right now. Pursue, overtake and recover all!

Question and Reflection of the Day: Are you beginning to feel that that movie called "My Life" is a bad movie? Is it beginning to look like things will not end well and that you will not recover. May today's word grant you great comfort.

Today's Prayer: Father, I need your strength and grace to "Pursue, overtake and recover all". Without you Lord I can do nothing. Help me to know that it will end well despite the physical situations present. I love you, Lord. Bless my day, Lord Jesus.


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