Daily Devotionals-

August Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
August 24, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 12:11-15
Additional bible Reading: Isaiah 40:28-31


Is there a promise of God hanging over your life? Are there prophecies over your life and destiny that looks like it is taking for ever to come to pass? Is your reality so far from your revelation? Are you beginning to wonder if you didn't imagine all those beautiful things in your head. If God indeed spoke to you be assured that He is committed to His word and prophecy over your life. It may not look like it right now but God is BEHIND THE SCENES working for you far more than you know.  In the scripture today, we see that God has the ability to literally PAUSE TIME for your sake. With Joshua, He stopped time, with Hezekiah, He reversed time, with Sarah, Abraham's wife He stopped time. At her twilight years, at what was supposed to be the evening or winter time of her life, God stopped Sarah's biological clock.  He continued to make this "elderly" lady beautiful. Kings and princes were awed at her great beauty! They desired her. They wanted her. She was at least ninety years old! Wow! That God has not changed. He remains the same. He has the ability to renew your youth like the eagle. A few days back, we saw that your strength and glory will not DIMINISH with age, indeed when naturally you should be reducing in grace and strength; you will be INCREASING in strength. Your best days are not behind you, they are just right ahead of you. Your best opportunities are still ahead of you. Your best business deals are right ahead of you. The best days of your marriage are still right in front of you! In this new day, He will RENEW! It means He will make new again. The eagle lives for a very long time, far more than other birds because of the ability to renew its youth.  Today, begin to enter into a season where your youth will be renewed. What God will expect you to do in this season is draw far more closer to Him than you have ever done. Grow intensely in intimacy with Him. Like the eagle, begin to bask more and more in the rays of the glory of the Sun of righteousness. Like eagle, look for that ROCK that is very high and close to the "SUN" and let His presence and power renew your youth and release upon you His celestial glory. When Moses came down from the mountain after forty days and nights with God, the glory upon Him was so overwhelming that they had to put a veil over His face. This is your key in this season. Do not rush in and out of His presence anymore. Bask in it. Welcome to a new day!

Question and Reflection of the Day: What is that part of your life and destiny that is beginning to "age" and fail? Do you feel you are beginning to lose it and you can't compete with the young Turks out there? The supernatural power of God is about to RENEW you as you spend MORE time with Him.

Today's Prayer: Lord Jesus, renew me daily in every area as I spend more time in your presence. Restore my strength in areas where I am beginning to diminish in strength. Bless and prosper my day, Jesus.


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