I welcome the month of August. I receive it with great anticipation and expectation. I declare all the 31 days of August redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus. I declare that all the days of August will bless me and my loved ones. I declare that in the month of August, I am strong, healthy and physically fit to perform my assignments and my God ordained destiny. This month my loved ones and I are blessed beyond every curse, beyond every sorcery, beyond divination, beyond failure and enchantment. This August, my home and family life will be heaven on earth; all my God-ordained relationships will prosper. This month I am free from condemnation, I am reconciled to God I am accepted in the beloved, I am saved by grace I am justified by faith, I am qualified to share in Jesus' inheritance. This month I am excited, my spirit is ignited, I walk in favor with God and man I declare that I am a kingdom trailblazer, I pioneer new territories, I am blessed with new ideas and concepts...