Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 26, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Matthew 5:27-30
Additional Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Hebrews 12:1-2

Many Christians do not read scriptures like our key scripture today. We read all the "promises of the covenant", "bless me" and all the "inheritance" scriptures. We read all the "kill our enemy" scriptures but many do not read scriptures that remind us that the road that leads to life is narrow and difficult and the one that leads to destruction and death is wide and comfortable and many are walking on it.
Is it possible to look at a woman without lust in your heart? It is possible. Today, let us pause a bit in our study to challenge our sisters who are in the faith to dress in such a way that will please God and not cause people to stumble. As much as we are not under the law anymore, deep down in our hearts, we know our true intentions when we expose things that should be covered by clothes. The average Christian man will not want to marry a woman who exposes what should be covered. He may be tempted to sin with her but not marry her. We must not conform to the standards of the world around us. God is watching.
Going back to our main study, God is demanding from us that we become violent and radical in cutting off and staying away from issues and relationships that affect our present and eternal destinies. Nothing should be powerful and strong enough to deter or jeopardize our destinies. This was the stand of the young Hebrew boys. May that be your stand today.
There is no true Christianity that will not demand sacrifice or cross-bearing. If our Christianity or faith is not costing you anything, please check and reevaluate it. If your Christianity is very comfortable, please check it. If we serve the true God, He will make demands on us. We will never get to a place where He will stop making demands on us. He will break us in ways and places we do not want to be broken. Jesus is coming back to a church that has no wrinkles or spots.
The biggest problem in the 21st Century church is that we have so grieved the in-dwelling Holy Spirit that He has left and we were not even aware that He left a long time ago. Our consciences have become seared and hardened. Now many "Christians" can engage in heinous sinful practices without any pang of conscience.
In this season, God is bringing you to a place of great sensitivity to the Holy Spirit and to the things of the spirit. In this season, He will lead you away from the things that will not ensnare you. Be morally perfect!

Daily Question and Reflection: Are there things, addictions and relationships that you need to violently cut off from your life? Phone numbers, applications, social media, chat rooms and links?

Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, I need your help and grace to enable me in this season to make the sacrifices that you have required.
Help me Lord Jesus, today.


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