Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 18, 2017.

Scriptural Reading: Psalm 105:8-22
Additional Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, Hebrews 12:2

The bible says that the word of God was written for our examples. As we look into the bible, we see that God has an incredible track record of starting projects and finishing them! The scripture today narrates how God has remained committed to finish the terms of His covenant with Israel.
More specifically, we see God begin something with Joseph at the age of seventeen and we see God finish it. We see God begin something with David also at the age of seventeen and we see God finish it when he was thirty. We see God finish well with Job even though he went through nine months of multiple tragedies. The list is endless. This is the character of our God. He begins, He completes. Your case will not be different. Has He made a promise to you, is there a prophetic word over your life? Is there any vision He has placed in your heart? He is committed to completing and finishing it.
To the reader of this devotional, I see Him in this month bringing all the different parts of your life and destiny together. I see Him bringing you into the right place, at the right time and with the right people. I see Him in this season, causing all things to work together for your good. I see Him bringing strange help and uncommon situations to bring to a good end that which concerns you. You may not understand all the variables and the unplanned situations but be assured that our God is always behind the scenes working out things for your good and for the good of your family. He will complete you well. Remember the God you serve and worship is the author and finisher of your faith. Today, look up to Him! Have a great life!

Daily Question and Reflection: Do you know that you qualify for God's finishing grace?

Daily Prayer Point: Lord Jesus, thank you for reassuring me that you finish all things well. In the midst of my present circumstances, keep my focus on you. Lord Jesus, bless my day!


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