Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 31, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Numbers 23:1, 7-20.
Additional bible Reading: Genesis 21:22-31, Genesis 26:22-30

Welcome to the final day of July. We bless God for life.
As we end this remarkable month, I believe and I know that you have experienced remarkable and dramatic changes in your life and destiny, if not apparently in the physical but definitely major shifts have taken place in the spirit realm. God's word remains true and eternal. This is the reason why we end this exciting journey on what I believe is perhaps the most significant implication of the number seven.
The Hebrew word for seven is derived from the same root word as Sabbath and also the word swear or oath. In ancient Hebrew whenever it is said that God has sworn it means that He had said the thing seven times. The Greek name Elizabeth or the Hebrew variant- Elisheba means that God has said it seven times or He has sworn or He has completed or finished it!! Whatever God has spoken over your life, I want to assure you that He has said it seven times, whatever promise or prophecy is upon your life, He has declared seven times in the spirit, this is why it must come to pass. He has made an oath with that word and it had become a covenant promise between you and Him.
The ancient Jews knew this and we can see this in their making of covenants and building of powerful altars. Beer-Sheba means the place of seven wells or the place of seven oaths. You are in a season where God is bringing you into His fullness for your life. All that He requires of you is to begin to walk in the reality of His word over your life. Choose in this season to walk by faith in His revealed word and not by sight of what surrounds or confronts you.
As the month of July ends, choose your reality. Deliberately come to the seven wells of God and daily remind Him of His eternal word and promises over your life and destiny. I pray over your life, your destiny and those of your loved ones that the voices of the seven thunders in Revelation 10:3-4 speak into your life and destiny.
May your manifestation and great revealing come forth this season, Amen!
Have a very great life!! See you next month.

Daily Question and Reflection: Is your life spiritually and physically richer as you went through this spiritual adventure?

Prayer Point: Thank you Jesus for bringing and my loved ones to the end of July. I believe your word. Cause them to find expression in my life today and in the days ahead.
Bless this last day of July.


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