Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 17, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Philippians 1:6
Additional Bible Reading: Nehemiah 4:1-2, Nehemiah 6:15-16

Today we begin another exciting adventure into the spiritual significance of the number seven. Seven means completion. I believe that you are in the season of your completion. I know that God is bringing a completion to the various issues of your life and destiny. He is bringing to a good end that prophetic word and promise over your life. Your life will not end as an uncompleted or abandoned project.
Our God is a God of completion. The Book of Revelation tells us that His names are Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. These names describe the nature and the character of our God.
The key scripture today tells us that God is strongly committed to finishing and completing whatever He begins. Indeed, if and when God begins a thing, be assured that He has already completed it. The bible says that He finished all His works from the foundation of the world (Hebrews 4:3b). This means that He has already completed the project of your life before the foundation of the world. Your days of completion are here.
One of the powerful stories in the bible is the rebuilding of the broken-down walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah and the children of Israel. What most people don't know is that the wall that was in a terrible condition was rebuilt and completed in fifty-two days. Fifty-two days! There were oppositions and obstacles but the wall was finished. There may be obstacles and intense oppositions in your life, family and destiny today but the walls of your life that are constantly before God will definitely be completed. (Isaiah 49:16) On this very special day that God has made, go into your day knowing that God is totally committed to completing and finishing the issues in and of your life.

Daily Question and Reflection: Where you beginning to wonder if your life or situation has been abandoned? Welcome to the days of completion.

Daily Prayer Point: Father, help me to understand that you never abandon your projects.

NB. Today is my birthday, pray for me specially today.


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