Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 22, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Psalm 138:6-8
Additional Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:10.

Our key scripture today is a very powerful word and should bring a lot of encouragement and comfort to many who are in difficult portions of their life journey.
The Greek word in that verse is "gamar" and it means to finish, accomplish, perfect, to come to an end, to cease, to perform, to fulfill. This refers to the completing, finishing and the perfecting of God's work in one's life. Be assured wherever you are today or whatever you are dealing with, that God's nature and pattern is that He begins a work, He continues the work until it is absolutely and completely done. Hallelujah! Your life will not be different from this pattern.
You should be aware that God is totally aware of who you are and where you are. He is intimately acquainted with you more than you know. His knowledge of your life and situation is perfect. His knowledge of you is not in part like man, He knows you perfectly, this is why His work in you will be perfect. Be assured today beloved, that God is totally committed to "perfecting" all that concerns you! If God was to open your spiritually eyes right now, you will see a little sign board by your life and it reads "CAUTION - God is at work". Do not make the mistake of counting yourself out of the arena of life and victory. Do not make the mistake to think that God has abandoned you or forsaken you. The walls of your life are inscribed on His palms and are constantly before His eyes. He will make perfect that which concerns you. I challenge you this month of July and in the days and weeks ahead, commit to cooperate with God in His "perfecting" work.
Sometimes the work He is doing in you may be painful. He may break you in very painful, sensitive places but allow Jehovah to carry out His "perfecting" work. A good renovation work will include pulling down, tearing down etc. There may be some tearing and pulling down going on right now but at the end, you will be "perfect". I see a perfect you ahead! 'Caution: God is at work"!

Daily Question and Reflection: Do you trust God is at work in you? Do you know that His work in you is a perfecting work?

Prayer Point: Father, open my eyes to see your perfecting and completing work in me. Help me to cooperate with you in this work, amen.
Bless my day, Lord Jesus. Remember your covenant over my life.


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