Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 21, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:28
Additional Reading: Colossians 4:12, Matthew 5:48, Ephesians 4:13-14.

Today we begin with yet another powerful component of the significance of the number seven. The number seven is symbolic of perfection. The word means finished, complete, fulfilled, consummate, soundness etc. It is quite similar to our previous themes but there are major distinctions. I believe this will really bless you. Our God is in the business of making things perfect and bringing divine perfection into imperfect situations and circumstances. Now say amen!
Our opening words may appear a bit frightening to many believers but that is the will and purpose of God for your life and destiny. Be perfect!! God wants to bring you and all that is connected to you to the point and place of perfection. Our key scripture today challenges us to be perfect just as our Heavenly Father is perfect. This must become our daily goal and target. If this wasn't possible, Jesus will not have challenged us with those words.
The additional scripture today (Please read it) in Ephesians is a strong challenge to Christians everywhere and to the ones reading this devotional to press into the dimension of the perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. Powerful words. This is where God is bringing all of us into. This is ultimately where He is bringing you to. This is His scale of measurement and reference point for all His children. When He looks at you, He is checking whether you are moving towards the mark of the fullness of the stature of Christ. There is a fullness in that stature that God desires that we will become.
The Divine plan was that after the Son left the earth over two thousand years ago, the "Christ" DNA will be so infused in every Christian that everywhere you turn, you will see a "Christian".
We have all been given the ability and capacity to walk in the fullness of that dimension. The word of God says that "as He is, so are we in this world". As we begin yet another leg of this exciting journey this month, be assured that it is possible to walk in the dimension of this biblical 'perfection". Many of us today are far away from "perfect" but that's okay. Today, you will begin to advance into that position. We are in a season where God is prophetically bringing you into that dimension and realm. Apostle Paul writing to the church said that Epaphras prayed fervently all the time that the believers will stand "perfect and complete" in all of the will of God. Powerful!! This is our prayer for you today.
We began this month's devotional by saying that the most powerful man in the earth is the one that stands in the perfect will of God. Where you live, where you work, in your different relationships, in your different enterprises, in your many journeys if this life, I charge you to stand "perfect" in all of the will of God. May you stand today and the days ahead in the "perfect will" of God, amen!!

Daily Question and Reflection: Has the phrase "be perfect" ever intimidated or bothered you? Do you believe that you can be "perfect"?

Daily Prayer Point: Father, help me to become perfect even as you are perfect. Bless my day, Lord Jesus.


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