Daily Devotionals-

July Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
July 28, 2017.

Scripture Reading: Genesis 2:1-3.
Additional Bible Reading: Exodus 33:14. Deuteronomy 5:13-14.

Today, we begin the final lap of the spiritual significance of number seven. I hope it has been a rewarding experience. The number seven is symbolic of rest. The word seven is the same root word in the Hebrew with the word Sabbath.
Bible records that God worked for six days and rested on the seventh day. He consecrated the seventh day and declared it not only as holy but a day of rest. He also declared the seventh year as the year of rest for the land and the people. Finally, at the end of every forty-nine years which are multiples of seven, He pronounced a Jubilee- the year of ultimate release, freedom and rest.
One of my friends who is a Pastor used to say many years ago that he didn't believe that there is any rest on this side of life. His life had been full of challenges at that time. He believes that it is only when you close your eyes eternally that you can find true rest. I disagreed then and I still disagree today. We used to argue about this a lot in those days.
The word of God clearly tells us differently. The scriptures today tell us that He is a God who not only promises rest to His people but gives them rest in this life. God Himself rested on the seventh day. He promised the children of Israel that His presence will guarantee rest to them on their way to the place of promise.
What is rest? Rest essentially means a break, a cessation and a relief from toil and work. It is a realm and a dimension where certain things will come to you easily without any struggle. This is the realm that God is bringing you to. Your days of struggle are over!! It is not the will of a good God for you to struggle and toil all your life. The principle and the process of the kingdom is that after you have labored for a season, God will bring you into your rest. The word REST appears so many times in the bible and it is an indication of the desire and intention of God to bring you into your dimension and place of rest. I know that this seventh month will usher you and your household into a season of rest. God is bringing to an end the old season of toil and struggle.
The God who commanded rest is bringing rest to that marital problem, to that old health problem, to that old cycle of financial struggle, to that relationship problem. There is a door of rest that is opening to you today. It is your seventh day!! Welcome to a new day!

Daily Question and Reflection: Do you know that there is a dimension in this life where you will not struggle and toil anymore? Welcome to that dimension.

Prayer Point: Father in the name of Jesus, bring me into my Sabbath day of rest. Lord Jesus, you struggled so that I will not toil. Help me in this season.
Bless my day.


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