Daily Devotionals- February Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
February 5, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Mark 1:1 Additional Bible Reading: Mark 1:21-27, Proverbs 5.

The gospel of Mark is not a biography but a concise history of our redemption story. Mark presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Indeed he begins his gospel like this: "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God..." Mark 1:1 Being the Son of God, He had authority to teach the way He taught; He had authority over Satan, over the Sabbath, over sin, over nature and so forth. Beloved, ultimately what counts in the realm of the spirit is authority. Spirits and principalities submit to spiritual authorities. Jesus as the only begotten Son of God has all authority in heaven and on earth. This was His declaration after His resurrection from the dead. Authority is also another word for dominion. Whatever you are dealing with, be assured that Jesus Christ has dominion and authority over it. Indeed the child of God because of the work of redemption of Jesus Christ now also has authority over all the works of the devil. It is unfortunate that many believers are afraid of the devil and his works. You shouldn't be. He is a defeated foe. The Bible records that Jesus triumphed over him and made a public spectacle of him. Mark's gospel records that evil spirits were subject to the authority of Jesus. The forces of nature were subject to the authority of Jesus. All of these were because Jesus Christ is the Son of God. In the exercise of His deity as the Son of God, He demonstrated His power, dominion and authority over creation.  He has asked us to exercise and demonstrate authority over the three realms - the heavens, the earth and under the earth in His name. He told us that whatever we ask in His name shall be given to us.  Beloved, it is time we began to really exercise our dominion mandate in the earth, in the name, person and authority of Jesus Christ the Son of God! As you go into a new day and go through this month, it is important that you begin to understand and walk in the fullness and reality of how much authority we have in the name and person of the Son of God. It will be a shame to be carrying such power and authority and we are living weak and defeated lives. It is like a policeman, though vested with the authority of state but refuses to exercise it in the lawful execution of his duties.  Enough is enough! Our Lord and Master is the Son of God and He carries all authority in heaven and on the earth. Let's begin to use the authority of His mighty name.  Will you do that today? Shalom!

Today's Prayer: Lord Jesus, I recognize you as the Son of God. I recognize you as One who has power and authority over all things. I submit to your authority and I also begin to exercise the authority that is available and resident in your name and person. Thank you Lord Jesus.


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