Daily Devotionals- February Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
February 2, 2018.


Scripture Reading: Zechariah 1:16-21 Additional Bible Reading: John 10:10, Proverbs 2


The Book of Zechariah sometimes is referred to as the most messianic of the Old Testament Books. Two references among the many are of profound significance. Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem is described in detail Zechariah 9:9, four hundred years before the event and the most dramatic verses of scriptures are found in Zechariah 12:10 'they will look on me whom they have pierced".  Beloved, it was not a coincidence that Jesus Christ in His earth walk was a carpenter. Do not be deceived, He was far more than a carpenter. He is the One that was sent by the Father to repair and restore all the broken pieces of your life. In our main Bible text, we saw that the nation of Israel was attacked, destroyed and scattered by the four horns. Horns represent authorities and powers. We see the equivalent in the New Testament in our second Bible reading in John 10:10. Jesus Himself tells us that the main agenda and mandate of the devil in every life, family, community and nation is three-fold: to steal, kill and destroy. These are the missions of the horns. However, the greatest news you should go into your today with should be Jesus Christ has come that you may have life and that you have it in abundance - His own very words. Beloved, it doesn't matter what terrible damage the enemy's horns have done to you, your destiny or your family, Jesus Christ the Ultimate Carpenter has come to repair and restore you to the original status and form that your creator made you. The level of damage, breach, destruction is inconsequential; He has come to restore, repair and rebuild. He has come to give you the abundant life. We should be all excited that both scriptures we read today came in the order that they came. God allows the enemy to do His worst and then He steps in and does an incredible work of life and restoration. He sent Jesus to save you to from the ‘gutter-most’ to the uttermost, hallelujah!!! Beloved, live with the daily reality that Jesus Christ is the craftsman that can fix your life, your health, your finances; and like we saw in the Book of Daniel, He is the Fourth Man in your time of trouble and affliction. As you go into a new month, call upon the One who has come that you may have the abundant life. Jesus Christ came that you and all that belongs to and is connected to you will have a new life. Shalom!

Today's Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for being the four carpenters/craftsmen that have come to fix and restore my life. I totally submit and surrender my life to you. Today, I receive the new life that you have given me as a gift. Bless my day Lord Jesus.


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