Daily Devotionals- December Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
December 4, 2017.


Scripture Reading: Luke 10:38-42
Additional Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 11:1-26

One of the greatest secrets of life is to be able to discern what things are really important to you and focus on them and pay little attention on the minor. The art of being wise is to know what to overlook.
Unfortunately many people spend so much time on that which is not significant and will not contribute much to their life and destiny.
We have a limited time here on earth so we must clearly decide what we will use that time to do.
In the scripture we read, Jesus said to Martha "...You are worried and troubled about many things..."  He goes on to say in verse 42 "only one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part.." Powerful!!
An important life lesson we learn from our Lord and Master is that we should not be encumbered, worried and troubled with so many things. Some of us are depleting our strengths and energies on needless and futile pursuits that will contribute little or nothing to our destinies. A servant of God that I know constantly says that you should never get involved in an unnecessary battle or out of season war. In the early years of my acquaintance with this person I used to think that statement was a reflection of cowardice or fear to engage in confrontation but as I began to grow and mature more, I found that there was great wisdom in that maxim.
Bishop TD Jakes says all the time, that you should not engage in any battle where there are no trophies. Life is too short to engage in activities or confrontations that will yield no significant rewards. In a short sentence: stay away from needless and time wasting activities.
It is important to note that Martha was actually engaged in a useful service. She wanted to be a great hostess to Jesus who had visited her home. However, Jesus taught a very important lesson; we must be able to know and discern what is most important per time in our life. Jesus was teaching in her home and at that time the most important part was to sit at the feet of Jesus to learn, like Mary did.
The Bible says, at the time Kings went to war, David stayed at home. Please read the additional scripture above. He made the biggest error in his life at that time. He majored on the minor. Thirty minutes of illicit pleasure brought catastrophic consequences to his reign and to his family. He did the wrong thing at the wrong time. He never fully recovered from that grave error.
Ecclesiastes 3 says that there is a time for everything. We must know what we should be majoring and focusing on in every season of our lives. In the morning season of our lives, we should know what we should focus on, same as in the mid- life and twilight season of our lives.
Life Lesson: As we end 2017 and begin to prepare for 2018, decide on what is the "important part" and choose it. Do not dissipate your strength, don't focus your energy on vain and futile things. Do not waste time on idle talk, gossip and foolish pleasure that will not add any worthwhile value to your life. Do not fight any out of season war or battle.

Today's Prayer:
Father, help me to focus on the major and significant things that will build my life. Deliver me from needless distractions that will not add any worthwhile value in my life. In this season of my life show me what to focus on. Thank you Lord Jesus.


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