Daily Devotionals- September Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
September 5, 2017

Scripture Reading: John 15:1-5.
Additional Bible Reading: Romans 11:16-18


Today's main Bible passage is clearly one of the strongest mandates of the believer. We are primarily connected to the Vine so that we can reproduce the life that is available in the Vine. Jesus Christ declares in this powerful passage that He is the Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser or the Gardener. The Father comes periodically to check that we are fruitful and reproducing the life that is available in the Vine that we are connected to. Fruitfulness will mean that the fruits that are coming out of your life as a branch is indicative of the tree that you are connected to. If you are a branch of an orange tree you will bear oranges, likewise if you are the branch of an almond tree, you will produce almonds. Today's Bible text challenges us at two levels: First, we must be fruitful. Jesus says that the Father cuts off unfruitful branches. It is important to know that He cannot demand from us what He has not made available to us. You have been empowered to bear fruit, you must bear fruits! Secondly, you must bear godly fruit. Your fruits must look like the Vine they came from. Our lives and fruits must reflect the God that we have been engrafted into. We cannot bear wild fruits anymore because we are no longer wild. Our lives must exhibit love, kindness, patience, gentleness, power, peace, joy and all the things that can be found in God.  Our lives and lifestyle must reflect God. The results that come out of our lives must be emblematic of the strong presence of God in our lives. Scripture says clearly that by our fruits we shall be known. Pause to consider this: What type of fruits are you bearing? What are you known for? What do your fruits tell about you? Do you have to verbally say that you are a Christian or a child of God before people will know? Are people shocked to hear that you a Christian? Are you bearing any fruits at all or is your life bland, colorless and unproductive? The branch is the part of the tree that bears fruits. What fruits are hanging from you? If you are truly connected to the Vine, you will definitely bear fruits and be productive. Today, I challenge you to deepen your level of attachment and connection to the Vine. Totally yield to the life that flows through the Vine and it will certainly manifest in you as fruits. Shalom!

Today's Prayer: Father, thank you for your word to me today. I submit to you as my Vinedresser. Help me to reflect your life in my everyday living and lifestyle. Help me to be fruitful and to bear fruits that look like you. Please deepen my attachment and connection to you so that your life and Spirit will flow freely to me and through me.  Thank you Jesus! Bless my day, Lord.


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