Daily Devotionals- September Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye
September 3, 2017

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 54:1-14
Additional Bible Reading: Exodus 23:26


The word of God in Romans 4:18 says, that God not only gives life to the dead but ALSO calls those things which do not exist as though they did! Abraham and Sarah kept declaring themselves as parents and as fruitful when they were not, until they became fruitful!  This is true faith. It calls those things which we cannot see, hear, feel or touch physically as if they are here already.  Our main scripture drives this point home in a powerful way. God commands the barren woman to begin to sing and to cry aloud. Same way He changed a barren couple's names to father of multitudes and a mother of nations (Genesis 17:4-6, 15-16). Why does God do this? Why does He operate like this? Simple. It is because He knows what capacities and abilities He has installed in us and blessed us with. May today's word challenge and change every area of your life that is disobedient to God's word.  Beginning from today, begin to think and act in line with God's word of fruitfulness in that area of your "so-called unfruitfulness". Begin to declare the creative word of God over that situation by faith and expect to see definite changes. Abraham and Sarah indeed became a father and a mother of nations.  The barren man and woman shall not be barren anymore. Today's main scripture commands a change of action and attitude. It commands joy. Note that kingdom joy is totally independent of physical circumstances. It is based on the eternal and unchanging word of God. Generally, expectant women are happy. They are generally joyful because of what they are carrying. This month, become happy and joyful especially in the area you are trusting God for fruitfulness. Remember that the word of God says that it is with joy that we will draw out of the wells of salvation. It means that we cannot draw out of the wells with sadness. We belong to a kingdom that is joy. The Bible records that when the High Priest Eli prayed for Hannah, her countenance changed and in a short while, her situation changed too. This new month, we will walk in obedience of God's word. We will choose to walk by faith in God's word and not by sight of our physical situations and circumstances. I know for certain that something good is coming your way this month because Jesus of Nazareth is coming your way! Sing o barren! Cry out aloud!! Begin to do the unexpected. Drive the enemy mad. Do the unusual. Have a really blessed day!

Today's Prayer: My father, I believe your word. Today, grant me the grace this month to sing and cry out aloud in the face of contrary situations. Help me today to walk in the light of your word. May your word be a light upon my path and lamp upon my feet. Bless me today, Lord Jesus.


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