Daily Devotionals- February Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye February 5, 2018. HE IS THE SON OF GOD (THE BOOK OF MARK) Scripture Reading: Mark 1:1 Additional Bible Reading: Mark 1:21-27, Proverbs 5. JESUS CHRIST IS THE SON OF GOD. The gospel of Mark is not a biography but a concise history of our redemption story. Mark presents Jesus Christ as the Son of God. Indeed he begins his gospel like this: "The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ the Son of God..." Mark 1:1 Being the Son of God, He had authority to teach the way He taught; He had authority over Satan, over the Sabbath, over sin, over nature and so forth. Beloved, ultimately what counts in the realm of the spirit is authority. Spirits and principalities submit to spiritual authorities. Jesus as the only begotten Son of God has all authority in heaven and on earth. This was His declaration after His resurrection from the dead. Authority is also another word for dominion. Whatever you are dealing with, be assured...