Daily Devotionals- September Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye September 5, 2017 Scripture Reading: John 15:1-5. Additional Bible Reading: Romans 11:16-18 BLESSED TO BE FRUITFUL... (PART 5) Today's main Bible passage is clearly one of the strongest mandates of the believer. We are primarily connected to the Vine so that we can reproduce the life that is available in the Vine. Jesus Christ declares in this powerful passage that He is the Vine and His Father is the Vinedresser or the Gardener. The Father comes periodically to check that we are fruitful and reproducing the life that is available in the Vine that we are connected to. Fruitfulness will mean that the fruits that are coming out of your life as a branch is indicative of the tree that you are connected to. If you are a branch of an orange tree you will bear oranges, likewise if you are the branch of an almond tree, you will produce almonds. Today's Bible text challenges us at two levels: First, we must be fruitful. Je...