
Showing posts from December, 2017
Daily Devotionals- December Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye December 25, 2017. THE GREATEST LIFE LESSON- JESUS CHRIST IS THE GREATEST GIFT OF GOD TO YOU. Scripture Reading: Isaiah 9:2-7 Additional Bible Reading: Luke 1:26-38, Romans 8:31-39 Merry Christmas to everyone!!! Our lesson today is a short one so you can have time to enjoy your Christmas. Jesus Christ remains the only reason for the season, please do not forget this. In the midst of all the celebration, Jesus Christ is the reason for the joy and celebration. Our greatest lesson in life is to walk with the understanding that Jesus Christ is the best and greatest gift that God has given to us. He represents the best of God's love and goodness to us. Today, as we celebrate Christmas we must know that the Child was born for us and that the Son was given to us as God's greatest gift. We cannot live in shame and darkness anymore because our great light is with us. He is the One who enlightens our every darkness. He i
There is no Christmas without Christ for He is the reason for the season. Connect with other Believers for our Christmas service this Sunday  @ Temple of Glory Abuja.
There is no Christmas without Christ for He is the reason for the season. Connect with other Believers for our Christmas service this Sunday  @ Temple of Glory Abuja.
As we draw the curtains on 2017, we are in a transition... Moving from 2017 to 2018. You don't have a choice so MOVE!!! And move (transit) WELL- deliberately, intentionally and strategically. -Pastor Onyema Monye
Daily Devotionals- December Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye December 4, 2017. LEARN TO MAJOR ON THE MAJOR AND MINOR ON THE MINOR. Scripture Reading: Luke 10:38-42 Additional Bible Reading: 2 Samuel 11:1-26 One of the greatest secrets of life is to be able to discern what things are really important to you and focus on them and pay little attention on the minor. The art of being wise is to know what to overlook. Unfortunately many people spend so much time on that which is not significant and will not contribute much to their life and destiny. We have a limited time here on earth so we must clearly decide what we will use that time to do. In the scripture we read, Jesus said to Martha "...You are worried and troubled about many things..."  He goes on to say in verse 42 "only one thing is needed and Mary has chosen that good part.." Powerful!! An important life lesson we learn from our Lord and Master is that we should not be encumbered, worried and troubled w

Daily Devotionals- December Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye

Daily Devotionals- December Edition by Pastor Ike J. Monye December 2, 2017. TRUE SUCCESS BEGINS BY OBEYING GOD IN THE BIG AND SMALL THINGS. Scripture Reading: Genesis 22:1-18 Additional Bible Reading: Job 36:11-12, Isaiah 1:19-20, John 2:5 For a child of God, the one powerful secret to the success that God has planned for us is obedience to Him. Walking in obedience to His word and to His revealed will put us in a very powerful place. Obedience to God brings us in alignment to His will, purpose and power. I like to say that the most powerful person on earth is the one that is in the perfect will of God. Obedience is what brings you into the perfect will of God. The one powerful thing that distinguished Abraham was his life of obedience to the revealed will of God. As you do a study of his life, you will see him obeying God in the small things and also in the difficult things. No wonder God made a great nation from this man from Ur of the Chaldees. If you are a student of the Ol