Father, I give you thanks for bringing me to the seventh month of a great year. July is the seventh month therefore I declare that it is my month of fullness, wholeness, completion, perfection and rest! I commit the month of July to you, I commit the seconds, the minutes, the hours, the days and weeks of July 2017 into your everlasting arms. Hide me and my loved ones in your secret place this month. Since my times are in your hands, bless my times and seasons this July. It is my seventh month therefore, my God this month will perfect and complete all that concerns me and pertains to me. I declare and decreed that this month of July, I have all-round rest. My family and loved ones have all-round rest. It is the fourth watch of my life and destiny therefore I will walk in the miraculous and the supernatural. Dismantle evil powers seeking to frustrate my day, my assignments, activities and purpose this month. This July, cause fresh winds of the Holy Spirit to blow into my life ...